Chapter 13: Get In! (Shannons PoV)

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I sat there for a few seconds, as I wondered where the voice had come from in the first place. It sounded just like the voice of my mother as well, as I then began to look around, to see where the voice had even come from in the first place.
The only thing I really saw however, was the female guard that was supposed to be helping me right now, as she was bawling her eyes out. I did not feel bad for her at all however, as I did not seem to feel any sort of emotion at all at the exact moment.
I had just watched my mother get torn apart right in front of my eyes, as it had been told on the news, but no one listened, as so many people believed that the viruses that the news told us about, were all over exaggerated, and they really were not all that bad.
That was not the case this time, as my own parents were the same people that were a part of the group that thought that the virus was not as bad as people seemed to think that it was. It really bit my mother in the butt in the end however.
The male guard reached his hand out, as if he was trying to tell us something, as perhaps he was telling us to do as he had asked of us. It more than likely was just his final moments, and it did not mean all that much in fact, but the me, and the lady that I was with at the moment, it meant a lot more than you could ever even imagine.
I blinked a few times, as the mans arm then flopped down on the floor, as you could tell he was now dead, which was not hard to assume, if you were to look at his body right now, as I was all sorts of parts of the mans body, that I had never seen before, on any person.
I felt like I wanted to throw up again, as the crazy man just kept on tearing apart the body of the poor guard, even though he was already dead. The crazy man however, luckily enough for us, was seeming to not pay us any sort of attention, as if we were not in the room with him.
I could tell that the crazy man was not the smartest person in the world by any means, or perhaps it was just that he was too busy eating his prey. It made me feel sick to think about it like that, and to use that kind of word, but the word was the perfect word for what I saw going on in front of me still.
I turned my eyes to my mother, as for some reason, no tears would drop from my own eyes. I loved my mother to death, but the way I was acting right now, it was as if I had not just seen her mauled apart in front if me, like the man was a lion.
I sat there for a few more seconds, as it seemed as if time was going by slow at the moment, and it felt like I was caught up in the moment. Then I heard a bit of some noise from the right side of me once again, as I turned my head right over to it, mainly due to the fact that it was the only noise that I had heard in the room for some time.
Besides the chewing from the crazy man on the other side of the hallway, which was about 30 feet away from me. It sounded as if it were my father chewing with his mouth wide open at the table, and I almost expected my mother to yell at him, like she always did.
I blinked a few times, as it was a bit sick for me to even think about what was going on like that, but I was so lost in my head, and in my memories that I had with my mother, that were going to disappear soon, now that she was gone.
I knew that I would never forget the way that she had been killed though, as I had seen it happen right in front of my very own eyes. I then shook my head after a little bit more of some time had passed, as I remembered that I had heard a noise from the right side of me.
I turned my head over to it, as if I expected that it was going to be another crazy person, that was just about ready to end me as well, just like the crazy man had torn apart my mother. As I turned my head over to the sound that I had heard, I realized that it was just the female guard that had been with me this whole time.
I had almost forgotten that I was not just alone in the room, as I had forgotten about the male guard that had done his best to save the life of the both of us, and the rest of the people that were in the DMV, that were now all gone.
I heard the last 1 of the cars drive off as well, from outside of the parking lot, as it then suddenly hit me, as to what all was going on at the exact moment, as I looked over at the female guard that was still with me, I blinked my eyes once again, just a couple of times.
I saw the tears dropping from her eyes still, as I wondered how close she was to the male guard. I wondered if they were perhaps husband and wife. I then shook my head though, as it made sense that they were more than likely just good friends, due to the fact that they worked together, day in, and day out as I would have to assume.
I shook my head, as I was not sure why my thoughts were focused on that at the current moment, as I saw the female guard wipe the tears from off of her face, and I suddenly realized that she was speaking to me as well, as I had just been so lost in my head.
I moved my head around a bit, as I then began to hear what it was that she was saying to me as well. As I nodded to her at the same time too, to let her know that I was listening to what it was that she had to say, and then, finally her words then began to hit me.
"Come on! Please come with me! Please don't let Johns life just be in vien!" She said to me. I sat there for a few moments, as I realized that I still had the exact same blank look on my face, that I had been having for quite a bit of some time now.
All of it had seemed to be happening so fast, but at the same time, I also realized that all that I had just seen, unfold in front of me, had been no more than a couple of minutes. I sat there for a bit of time as well, as I was still just a bit lost with 0 thought going on in my head at the moment.
That was when, suddenly the lady then ran at me, and then she slapped me right on the right side of my face, as it was a bit of a hard slap, as it stung quite a bit as well. I looked over at the lady a bit angrily for just a couple of moments, as I had wondered why she had just done that.
She had her eyes squinted at me, as I was a bit confused, and a bit lost as to what was going on right now. I sat there for just a couple more seconds, until I then remembered as to what it was that she had just said to me, not too long ago as well.
I looked back at the lady, as the angry look on my face disappeared, but she still had a bit of an angry look on her own face still. I shook my head though, as I understood what it was that she was getting at, at the same time as well, as I then finally began to respond back to her.
"Sorry... I just... My mom... She is gone... I..." I said to her. She sat there for a few moments, as she kept her eyes squinted at me, as if she had not heard a word of what I had just said to her. She did not look to feel bad for me at all either, as I saw that she was breathing in through her nose quite a bit.
I could tell that she was not happy at all right now, as I put my hands up a bit, as I was not sure as to what it was that I had done wrong. At least it was getting me off of the thoughts of my dead mother at the other end of the hall way I suppose.
The lady stood there for a bit more time, as if nothing was going on at all at the moment. Then both me and her, heard a moan from the crazy man at the other side of the hall way, as it was clear that the both of us had forgotten that he was even here with us.
It was as if the both of us had just forgotten what it was that we had both seen happen right in front of us a few moments ago. The female guard, by the name of Lilly as I had heard, then shook her head at me, as she looked over at her dead friend.
She sat there, with quite the hurt, and sad look on her face for a bit of some time, until she then turned her head, and her eyes back over to me at the same time too, as it seemed that the angry look had now come back on her face. This time she did not hesitate, as she then continued to speak to me.
"We need to go now! If you do not want to, than I wish you luck against that dead thing... But I do recommend that you come with me..." She said to me. I looked at her for a few moments, as I was at a bit of a loss for words at the same time as well, as I was not sure how to respond to what she had said to me.
I then turned my head back over to my mother for a bit of some time. As I was in pain, just seeing her dead, and torn apart body, beside the dead body of the man that had just sacrificed his life to save my own. It felt like I just wanted to give up, and run over to the crazy man, and go down with my mother.
My mother was everything to me, as it hurt me to know that she was now gone. I loved her to death, as I did not have many friends to school, as I was never really the popular kid. She was a friend to me, even if she was just my mother.
Now she was gone, and it felt like I did not have anything left at all any more. I knew that was not the case though, as it was a bit dumb of me to even think that it might be the case. I still loved my father, even if I was closer to my mother.
I knew that he loved my mother to death as well, and I knew that I could not just let him come home, without at least knowing what had happened to her, or, what had happened to us. I knew that he would go looking, and he might just die on his own, doing so as well.
I looked up, as I then realized that the lady was now gone. I was a bit confused as to what it was that I might have missed, as I looked around for just a couple of moments, wondering if she had perhaps gone and done what it was that I had been crazy enough to think about doing.
I turned my head over to the male guard that was still being torn apart on the floor, as I did not see her there at all either. I was a bit lost, until I suddenly heard a bit of a ring from the front, the same loud ring that I had heard when we had come into the DMV, and the same ring that I had heard over and over again when people were running out up there.
The crazy man looked up to my surprise, now that he had heard the noise. As it was clear that he was interested in where it was that he had heard the noise come from, as he dropped the large piece of meat that had been in his hand.
I looked around for a few seconds, until I then noticed that his eyes had now locked on to something. I was a bit confused, until I noticed what it was that he had his eyes locked on to in fact. I sat there, as I was at a bit of a loss for words.
It was me that he was staring at, as I then saw that he began to lift himself up from off of the floor that he had been sitting in for a bit of some time now. He was looking right at me, with a bit of a blank look in his eyes, as if he was missing his soul.
My heart stopped, as he then began to stumble over to me. I was not sure what to do, or how to handle what was going on. Had he not had enough to eat already? I could tell that his belly was full, as it had grown out quite a bit from when I had first seen him.
He wanted more... I then began to comprehend what was going on, as I then began to move. I realized what it was that I had to do. I had to tell my father... We needed for be there for each other. I turned my head over to the front door of the DMV, where the female guard had just gone through a few moments ago.
I saw that she was going through the parking lot already, as I heard a bit of a beep, as I saw that she was going to her car. I turned my head back over to the crazy man once again, as I squinted my eyes at him. It did not seem to phase him at all however.
That is when I knew that I was running out of time, and the man was getting closer and closer to me as well. I then ran over to the front door of the DMV, as I was certainly a lot faster than the crazy man was, as he was just stumbling over to get to me.
Once I was out of the door to the DMV, I then looked around at the parking lot, as I did my best to try to remember as to where I had seen the lady run off to. It did not take long for me to see where it was that she had gone over to, as the parking lot was just about dead empty besides my mothers car, and the crazy mans car I would assume.
I was looking around though, as I had forgotten where I had seen the lady go. I wish that I had reacted sooner to her now, as I was starting to get a bit worried that it was too late for me, and I was starting to think that she had already driven off.
I looked across to the main road that was to go to the downtown area of the city, as I thought that maybe I could get in a bus to take me back home. I did not see any cars, or any busses going down the road to my surprise though, as it was typically more of a busy road.
I sat there for a couple more seconds, as I continued to look around for any sort of help in sight. I then saw a car fly by, going way past the speed limit, as I half expected a police car to be chasing the car. That was not the case at all however, as it seemed like the city was dead silent right now.
It stayed silent for a few moments as well, as I half expected an airplane to fly over head, making a loud noise like it did every couple of minutes, but that was not the case at all. I was at a bit of a shock, and a loss of words, as I had never seen the city this empty.
The silence did not last much longer however, as I suddenly heard a loud noise from right by the front of the DMV that I had just gone out of. I hopped up, as it had surprised me quite a bit, as I had been so lost in my head, I had not seen it coming.
I turned my head over to where I had heard the noise come from, as I saw that it was the crazy man, as he was smashing his head, and his arms into the window over and over again, as it squirted out blood from his head, and on to the window each time he did that.
It was as if it were some sort of scene from a horror movie, as I wondered if perhaps this was just some big joke that people were pranking on me for some reason. But no... I knew that was not the case, as I knew that the whole world would not be in on a prank for a simple little girl such as me.
I stared at the man for a bit of time, as I could hear him groaning loudly, over and over again, as I could tell that he was only after me, and he was trying to tear me apart, just like he had done with my own mother. I wanted to do something, or say something to the man, but I was not sure if he would understand me.
I almost wanted to throw a rock at the window, but at the same time, I did not want to break the window, and let the guy through either. I shivered, as I just stared at me man for quite a bit of some time, as I was not sure what to do at the exact moment.
I suddenly then heard a car honk at me from not too far away. I turned my head over to the car, as I was a bit annoyed, and a bit angry at it as well, as if I was thinking that this was just some sort of normal day, and some person was honking their horn at me, as they were waiting for me to hurry up and walk past their car.
I turned my head over to the person that was in the car, as I was just about the give the person the finger, to tell them to fuck off, until I then realized as to what it was that was going on at the exact moment in time. I blinked a couple of times, as I was not sure what to do.
It was the female guard, that had just told me to go with her a few moments ago, as she stared at me in my eyes for a few moments, through the bit of tinted window. She then honked her horn at me one more time, which I was a bit confused as to why now, as I was on the side of the road, and there was plenty of room for her to drive by.
I sat there for a few moments, as I was not sure what was going on. I blinked a few times, as I saw that the lady was a bit angry, as it then hit me as to what it was that was going on. The lady stared me down for a bit of some time, and then she began to roll down her window.
I saw her unlock the door, as she rolled her eyes at me, as if I was some sort of stupid girl. She shook her head, as I could tell that she was not in the best mood, which I did not blame her for, as she had just watched her friend die in front of her eyes.
To save my life as well, which I am sure she was not happy with at all, especially with the way that I was acting at the exact moment. I blinked a couple of times once again, as the lady then spoke to me in an angry voice, now that the window was down. I listened to what she had to say, with a bit of a blank look on my face as well.
"Come on, we don't have time to waste right now! Get in!"

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