Chapter 27: Get Down! (Bens POV)

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I looked at Christian for a few moments, as for once, he seemed to he hesitating on whether or not this was a good decision, to go and see what was going on, on the other side of the community. I kind of felt the same way as he did, as I was worried that they might have come back to finish us off.
There was still some people living, in the community, but it would not matter at all, if we could not get them out of their homes, now that the dead all around us, for not the first time, were all coming for our community. I felt a bit sick, as I shivered at the same time as well, as I was having 2nd thoughts on coming here with Christian.
I am sure that he would have let me stay with Liam, and even Chester for that matter, as he always tried to act like he was the big and tough guy all this time, but when I had found him, he had been hiding in a room, and he had pissed his pants as well.
Normally, it would be embarrassing for him, but I let it pass, as I was sure that all that had gone down, had been some of the most scary shit that he had ever witnessed. He must have been so afraid for his sister as well, as I dipped my head down, at the thought of her, at the same time too, as I knew that she went to the same day care as Liam.
I was still in a bit of some shock, that I had found Liam, and he had been alive none the less. It made me feel a bit sick at the same time too, as we had found Lilly's dead body in the hall way, as it was clear what had happened to her, and what Liam had done.
It seemed to be that Liam was handling it quite a bit well to my surprise. But I was not sure how he really did feel inside, as he did a damn good job at hiding his inner emotions, even when he was just a baby, and some thing might have hit him, that could have caused some sort of pain.
It was all that I had left at this point, as I was not sure what I would have done if he was gone too. I was still a bit worried about my sister as well, as I had remembered what Shannon had said about her, and I had seen the look on the face of Tyler, at the same time as well.
I wanted to believe that it could not be true at all, but at the same time as well, I also knew that I could not just rule it out. I did not know my sister all that well, as I knew that she had done some bad things, to some bad people while she had been out of the walls...
Would that correlate to her doing bad things to good people though? What were the costs for her? She had Tony now, and it seemed like that was all that she had ever wanted at times. I dipped my head down low to the ground, as I just wanted to close my eyes, and just cry.
Just as I did so how ever, I heard the voice of Christian, as he then began to speak up to me, after the short time of some silence. I was glad for it as well, as I could tell that it was not just me that had been stuck in their own head. It was rare for Christian, but I could tell that it had been happening a lot lately, ever since we had found Tony, and we had met up with that group.
I still was not too sure about all of that, as I could tell that he felt the same way as I, as well. It was not the fact that we did not trust those people, as they too has been attacked by the same people that had attacked us, and some how managed to take down an entire big community such as ours.
It kind of freaked me out, as I knew that they were bad people, and I wondered how big their community could be, if they had managed to take us down so easily. I felt sick to the stomach, as I shook off all of those thoughts, and I looked over at Christian, as I listened to what it was that he had to say to me, at the same time as well.
"Lets go Ben... We need to find out what is going on... What Tyler said does not make much sense to me, but we need to make sure that we are safe, and if not, we need to make sure we can get as many people out as possible." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, as I was not too sure about all of this either, but I nodded to him in the end, any ways.
I remembered what Tyler had said to me, about how Shannon had told them to guard the walls, because she had said that she had thought of 'a way out of this'. If her plan was to pull every single dead that was near the community over to us, than that did not sound like that good of an idea to me.
How much could the walls handle, with all that had just happened to them? I shivered, as I was not sure if I had the answer to all of those questions that were swarming through my head at the exact same time. I shook my head, as I let out quite the loud sigh at that, how ever.
I then looked back over at Christian, who I saw was looking at me, with a bit of a strange look in his eyes, as if he was looking to me, to see if what he had said was right, and if it was a good idea, rather than having it be the other way around, as it normally tended to be.
I tilted my head as I was a little bit confused by it, as I thought about what it was that he had just said. He was looking out for us, and for Liam, and all of the people that were still alive in the community. Well the ones that we were able to save at least, as I was not so sure if that was going to be the case for many of them for much longer.
I was not sure how much time we had, and I kind of just wanted to go back home, and pack up some shit for me and Liam, and just leave. This place had turned in to a bit of a hell hole, and I was not sure if there was any way we could be able to save it at this point.
I shook my head, as I knew that Christian had a good heart, though it did not seem like it at times. I looked at him for a little while longer, as for once I did not see any sort of emptiness in his soul. It seemed like he did mean what he had said, and he did care for a lot of the people that were here.
All of the people that were here, were good for the most part. I was fairly certain that there was not an evil spirit in this place. We had made sure that we had not let any in, at any point in time. Maybe we had let the wrong person in at one point how ever, as maybe we had a bad judgement on them.
I continued to stare at Christian for a bit of some time, as I blinked a few times at the same time too. I finally had thought of some kind of response to him, after what he had just said, as I nodded to him. I waited for him to nod back, before I began to speak, which he did in fact do so. After me hesitating for a few seconds, I then began to speak back to him.
"Alright... You take the lead as usual, we do need to find out before it is too late, and the night falls upon us." I said to him, as he blinked a few times, and then he nodded back to me, after what it was that I had said to him. I nodded back to him this time, as he then turned his head away from me.
He stood there for a couple of seconds, as he then finally decided that he was ready to go. I followed in his foot steps, as I looked back over to the house that we had just been at, as I lowered my head a bit sad by all of this. I was glad that Sasha had finally decided to speak back to me, after I had saved her life, but this whole situation was such a terrible mess.
I looked away from the place, as I shook away all of those thoughts, as I continued to follow Christian down the big road, as I looked around to make sure that there was none of the dead that had noticed us, and might be going after us as well.
It did not seem to be the case luckily enough for us, but I still did not feel all that safe, just based on the fact that I had seen so many of the dead all over the place, over the last couple of days. I blinked a few times, as I knew that I just needed to focus on what it was that we were about to see ahead of us.
I knew that it was bound to happen at any moment now, as I knew that the dead could not just walk out of the community, or fly up in to the sky and just disappear. We were done for, as it was as simple as that, as I knew that I had to accept the hard truth at this point now.
I looked around the corner, as there was a few houses in the way, and also the large field as well, that made it damn near impossible to see. I was so scared, and a bit worried as to what it was that we were going to find on the other side, as I almost did not want to turn the corner.
I knew the gun shots were coming from the community house, or at least near the area, as it was where we had heard the shots coming from. I stood there for a few moments, as I thought about it for just a couple of minutes, as me and Christian stood there, as it was clear that he was thinking the same thing as I was.
He was not too sure if it was a good idea for us to turn the corner, as we were not sure what was on the other side of the road, or how many dead we could see start to come after us. I was damn sure that we were about the see the biggest heard of the dead by far, that I had ever seen, or even been told of none the less.
I was fairly certain it was going to be worse than those days that I had been stuck in that shed, waiting for some one to come find me, and to save me. Those had been the most scary days of my life, as I was even more scared then, than I had just been for my brother, when I had been looking to make sure that he was still alive.
All I had heard for several days, was a bunch of the dead groaning, and walking all around me. I had done my best to try not to freak out, as I had been so worried that some thing had happened to my parents, and all that I had ever cared about.
I had been so tempted to go out of the shed many times, even though I knew that I would have gotten torn apart by the dead. I was not just worried for my self, but I was worried for my family. There was good reason for that as well, after what I had found out what my sister had seen just a few minutes after they had dropped me off in the shed.
I shivered a little bit, as a single tear dripped down from one of my eyes. I hated having thoughts, and memories like that, but they never failed to pop up in to my brain. I shook my head, as I knew that there was more important things that I needed to have my thoughts on, at the current moment in time.
I lifted my head up, as I remembered what it was that we had even been doing before hand. I looked over at Christian, as he just stayed silent, even after the fact that we had just heard gun shots again. I was not sure what to do, or if I should say any thing to him, so I just continued to keep the silence for a little bit longer.
I looked around me for not the first time, as I was sure that the dead were going to be heading right over to us. It was not the case how ever, as I was a bit confused with all that was going on at the current moment. I blinked a few times, as I tried to poke my head around the corner, but it was too far ahead of us for me to do so.
I shook my head, as I felt like I just wanted to give up. I wanted to go back home, and pretend that none of this was real, and I still had not turned the age of 14. I at the very least wanted to make sure that my brother was in a safe place right now.
This community was not a safe place for us at all, but to be fair, there was no safe place out side of the walls either. I let out a bit of a sigh, as I felt like I just wanted to give up. I knew that I had to keep fighting, but I was just not too sure if I wanted to do so or not.
I blinked a few times, as I looked at the small little intersection that was in the road ahead of me, as I was almost tempted to just go ahead my self, even if there was some bad mojo ahead of me. Luckily I did not have to worry about doing it on my own how ever, as I heard the voice of Christian begin to speak up to me finally, and I listened to what it was that he had to say to me, as I turned my head over to him.
"I will take the lead, but we do this slow, quiet, and cautious... Just as I had taught you..." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, as I shiver went down my spine again. I was not sure as to why that might have been the case, as I eventually nodded to Christian after a few seconds of hesitation.
Christian nodded back to me, as he began to head over to the corner, where we needed to turn left to get over to the community house, which was where it seemed to gun shots were coming from. I knew that it was no less than half a mile away, and you could see it in the distance, when you were to look down the very large hill that we would be at the top of.
I followed Christian, as I gulped just a little bit at the same time as well. Even if I was used to seeing the dead, and it was not the first time that I had seen a heard of them, just the way that this was, and the situation that we were in right now, it did not make me feel any sort of better at all.
We got closer and closer to the corner, as I almost wanted to close my eyes, as I did not want to see what was around that corner. I knew that I could not, as if we did in fact draw the attention of the dead over to us, we would have to get out of there fast, and we would have to find a safe place to stay.
I was not sure if a safe place to stay was a good idea how ever, as if we locked our selves in a house, I was a bit worried if there was any way that we would be able to get out of there, if the dead were going to be swarmed all around us. I let out a loud sigh, as I knew at the same time too, that we could not just leave the community.
There was only so much that Chester could do, to keep my brother safe. I knew that he would do so, as I knew that he felt very guilty about his sister. I was just worried about Liam, and if he was to get stuck in, I was not sure if we were going to be able to get him out of there.
I was almost tempted to not do this, and to just leave. Maybe some where out there, we could find a safe place to stay at. I knew that the small group in the mountain was going to have to leave their home, how ever long they had even there, so maybe we could join them in their new home.
I shook off those thoughts at the same time as well, how ever, as I knew that I was really getting far too ahead of my self at the current moment. I wanted to stop my self, just so I could give my brain some time to stop and think, and give it some time to heal itself at the same time too.
I knew that I could not do so though, at this very moment at least, as I had an important task that I needed to do with Christian. I blinked a few times, as I shook off all of those thoughts, and I followed him, just as we were getting around the edge of the corner, so that we could be able to see what it was that was ahead of us.
Me and Christian stopped, just ahead of the corner, as it looked to be that Christian was having second thoughts on if this was a good idea or not, as it seemed to be, that going back to my home, seemed like a bit more of a pleasing idea.
He shook his head, as suddenly we then turned our selves around the corner. As soon as we saw what it was that was in front of us, both of us stopped for real this time. It was insane, and it was all so scary. The dead were about 100 feet ahead of us, and there were so many of them as well.
It was worse than the day that Jordan had come to save us, as I saw what looked to be several thousand of the dead, all groaning loudly, as they appeared to be heading towards the gun shots that were coming from the community place.
I squinted my eyes, as I could see the community house, in the distance, as it was a bit blurry to me. It was too hard to see where it was, that the gun shots were coming from how ever. I shook my head, as I was tempted to close my eyes, but I stopped my self, as there was far too many of the dead in front of me, to even think about that.
I looked at Christian, as I saw that his eyes were wide open. I had to assume that this had to be the biggest heard that he had ever seen. I was worried about where the gun shots were coming from, as I was fairly certain that this was done on purpose. I blinked a few times, as I shook my head, and then I began to speak up to Christian at the same time too.
"There is so many of them... Holy shit..." I said to him, as I turned my head over to the dead that were in front of me once again. I felt sick, as I heard the groans coming from all of them, as it seemed like they were looking for their next meal. I wanted to move back, and just run away from all of them.
I knew that this was Christians decision though, as to what it was that we were going to do, though the only choice that I could see in my eyes, was to go back home, and pack up our shit, so that we could leave this place. I wondered if this was perhaps done on purpose, so that any one that was left alive, could perhaps get out of their homes and leave.
I shook off those thoughts though, as for some reason, I suddenly began to see a look of genuine fear on the face of Christian, as I was a bit confused as to what it could be for. Christian turned his head over to me, as he began to sprint right towards me at the same time too, which confused me a lot, as he then began to yell loudly to me.
"Ben! Get Down!"

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