Chapter 52: The Dead Live (Christians POV)

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I stared at the ceiling of the church that we were in at this very moment in time, as I was laying my head down on the floor, for once again, the 2nd day in a row. I just did not think that we were going to be in this spot, nor on this path that we had some how managed to get our selves stuck on.
By we, I meant me and Ben, as I had not a clue as to the fact that we were going to meet Daniel and his family along the way at all. It was not my plan to be stuck in this big city that was covered in the dead at this very moment in time. I was not sure how exactly we were going to get our selves out of here, as I knew that it was going to be a lot harder to get out, than it had been to get in.
Plus, I also knew at the exact same time too, that we were not going to just be walking out as soon as we woke up, as we still had not got to the part as to the reason that we had come here in the first place, which was of course, to go and find Daniels daughter, which still kind of annoyed me, as to the fact that she had ran off from her family in the first place, as it was quite a stupid move by the little girl.
I squinted my eyes at the ceiling at the same time too, as I was not upset by the parents by any means at all, as they seemed to be good people, but it was clear to me that the girl had problems. That was not a good thing to have in the world that we lived in right now either, as I knew that things like she had done, would in the end get you killed.
She was probably dead already if I was not going to lie to my self. I did not want to say that to Daniel, as I was worried that it would give me quite a bad look, and it for sure would mean that he would not want to join our community, which we badly needed people in at this very moment in time, as I was no longer worried at all by the fact that he had the big scar on his eye at this point.
I let out quite a heavy sigh all at the exact same time too, as I got my focus off of all of that, and I got my focus on the fact that we did in fact at least need to try to find the girl. I knew that if we did, than it would put up a good case, and a good reason for the people to want to join us in our home. I nodded a bit to my self all at once none the less, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time as well.
I rolled a bit around the floor, as I turned my head over to where I saw the man laying not all too far away from me. I saw that his eyes were still wide open at the exact same time too, which was a lot of the reason that it was making it hard for me to fall asleep, as for one thing, I could not sleep when I knew that people were still awake in the room that I was in.
The other thing, that seemed like it was more a lot of the reason that I had not fallen asleep, was the fact that I knew that we still did not know the man all that well, and I was worried that he still might be lying about the girl, and he might slit our throats in the night, and then take all of our supplies all the way back home to his family.
I did my best to shake off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time too, as I felt like it was not true at all, due to the fact that it had seemed that the kids were actually in on it, and I knew for a fact that it was hard to get a little kid such as the little girl that was with them right now, to lie. I rolled my eyes a bit too my self, as I knew that I was being far too paranoid about all of this, and that I just needed to get some sleep.
I knew that I was worn out, not due to the fact that we had been walking a lot during the day, as that was normal for me. It was the fact that I had not got all too much sleep over the last few days, and it seemed like this was going to be another night where I was not going to be getting hardly any sleep at all sadly enough for me, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self this time.
I turned my head away from the man, as I then just began to stare at the ceiling that was above me right now, as I saw the painting of Mary the virgin on the of the ceiling. I wanted to laugh at it all at the same time too, as to the fact that I felt like there was no God at all, as that was the reason that the world had turned to shit, such as the way that it was right now.
A lot of it was written in the Bible how ever, but no one had really under stood as to what it was that it had meant at all how ever, which in the end had led to the down fall of most of the world. Hell, it had led to the down fall of the entire world, if I was going to be completely honest with my self. Any thing that was actually left alive in this world, was either evil, or just the dead them selves.
It was like a dying man had once told me, long before the fact that the world had gotten to the way that it was at this very moment in time. I winced at the words that he had said, as I wondered if the guy had some how just been a prophet in disguise, as he had said it on his death bed, and it made me feel even more cold thinking back on the words that he had said at that time, which were of course, 'only the dead live'.
It was true, more than ever now, as I knew that it felt like only the dead got to live in this world, as the man had was always a bit strange to me, as he had been a friend of my family's for a bit of some time. I wish that I would have known about all of this like he had none the less, as there was a lot of people that I might have been able to save if that was the case.
I shook off those thoughts at the exact same time too, as I figured at the same time as well, that if it was true in fact, all that had been said in the Bible, than it meant that the world was going to end up the way that it was now. Though I still was waiting for the day that Jesus came back, and he brought the worthy ones up with him. What if it had already happened though? I suppose if I thought on it, back in the day, I would not be classified as worthy.
What the hell was I thinking? I was not all too sure that I would be classified as worthy for that right now if I was going to be honest with my self. I for sure did not live the life that would mean that I would get a free pass in to heaven, so for all I know, I could be dead already, and the world that we were in, was the actual hell, and any one that got to die got a 2nd chance some where else.
I shook off all of those thoughts at the exact same time, as I knew that I was getting far too much in my head, and that I needed to get my focus on the fact that I needed to rest for the night, so that I would be strong, ready, and agile for the day that was about to be ahead of me. I kind of wanted an alarm clock to see how much longer I had left, but at the same time too, I felt like it would only make me not be able to fall back to sleep.
I rolled my eyes a bit to my self, as I then closed my eyes at the same time as well. I knew that I was worn out, and if I just erased my thoughts from my mind, than it meant that it would mean that I would soon fall in to a little bit of some sleep, which was all that I had even wanted in the first place. It turned out at the exact same time too, that I was in fact right with that theory, as I then did in fact fall in to some sleep.

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