Chapter 12 - Court

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Scott's POV

Mitch says he's ok but I know he's hurting. We filled out a police report saying Travis tried to rape Mitch. After they brought Travis in we were called about it. They asked us to go to his court hearing. I told Mitch he didn't have to but he insisted.

We got in the car to head to court. Mitch was obviously scared to see Travis he held my hand the whole ride. We walked in the court room, Mitch was hugging my waist as we sat down. Mitch was called up to the stand. He was avoiding looking at Travis while Travis was staring at Mitch's ass seductively.

Mitch sat down and answered all the lawyers questions truthfully. "No further questions." He was keeping himself together but as soon as he sat down he cried into my shoulder I wrapped my arms around him protectively. "Baby you're ok now he can't hurt you anymore." He snuggled into my chest. "Travis Bush please come to the stand." He stood up, staring at Mitch you could see love in his eyes he wasn't trying to hurt him he really did love him. He sat down.

"Mr Bush, did you try to rape Mr. Grassi?" Travis shook his head. "No Mitch and I are in love. I hurt him and I was trying to make it up to him. We were gonna make love it's been so long since I've been able to kiss him. I just wanted to feel him again." "Mr. Grassi said you broke up and he's now dating Mr. Hoying." Travis. got. mad.

"He could never love Mitch like I do! He's the only one for me!" "Alright. Mr. Bush, did you touch Mitch inappropriately?" Travis shook his head again. "Not inappropriately, we were gonna make love!" The lawyer was being patient. "Did Mr. Grassi tell you to stop?" "Only once but that's because he was so overwhelmed with my love for him." The lawyer nodded. "If Mr. Grassi told you to stop more than once would you have continued."

"Yes, I want Mitch so much. I want to make love to him everyday. I love him more than anything in this universe. He's my one true love, my soulmate. The only one I want. I love him. All I want is to feel his body against mine, him to moan my name, to kiss his entire body and feel him around me. I want him screaming in pleasure and when I make him come-" "Alright! Mr. Bush. No further questions."

Mitch was sobbing. I hugged him tight. After a few hours Travis was found guilty, he was sentenced 3 years in prison with a 10,000 bail fee. We stood up and Mitch hugged me tight. Travis was put in cuffs fighting against the cuffs to get to Mitch.

"Don't worry sweetheart I still love you!" We got home at Mitch broke down. He was tears as we layed in a bed. "I've got you baby it's over." He wiped away his tears. "I love you Scott thank you for being here for me." I moved the hair out of his face. "I'm always gonna be her baby. I love you my beautiful boyfriend." We kissed and fell asleep.

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