Central 99 - Year 4

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Year 4…

"Come on, Danvers, not this again. I'm telling you, I'm the better detective between the two of us." Barry grumbled as he took a seat at the top of the table.

"My number of arrests is double the number of your arrest last month." Kara pointed out.

'"Because I worked with Vice and busted a drug ring and it took three weeks! And besides, I have the precinct record, beat that."

"Alright, alright, listen up." Diggle quickly said before Kara could retort back. "How about we just settle it in a bet?" He suggested, by now all of the officers and the staff inside the briefing are listening to them.

"What are the stakes?" Kara asked Barry. "And don't say money because I know that you're in debt." She continued, receiving encouraging shouts from the officers.

"What about your car, Barry. It's pretty sweet." Caitlin suggested, loving the banter between the two.

"No, Barry, don't do it. That car is like your superpower. Thor would never wager his hammer. Neil Patrick Harris would never wager his showmanship. I mean, how many girls have you made out within that car? Six hundred?" Cisco said.

"I'll win anyway, so yeah, let's bet the car," Barry said, ignoring Cisco's statement.

"How about you, Danvers, what is the worst thing in the world for you?" Caitlin asked.

"Being one of those girls in Barry's car," Kara replied, her face contorting in a look of disgust.

"Alright then, that settles it! Within a year from now, if Barry gets more arrest than Kara, then she gets to go on a date with him and if Kara wins, she gets Barry's car." Diggle said, really amused at his coworker's antics. "Now, could the two of you shake on it?"

Barry stood up from his seat and held out his hand, which Kara took and shook it.

"Wos, you have a really firm handshake," Barry commented.

"I took a seminar." Kara bragged.


A/N: Do you guys want me to turn this into a full-blown story or do you guys want me to move on to other stuff?

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