one ; an uncle and a teacher

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THE FUSE Clan has always been known as the most benevolent and free clan out of all the four major clans, their brethren has the choice of whether or not do they want to become a sorcerer, blessed with cursed energy or not.

Yuuna's mother, Fuse Katsu– formerly Zen'in Katsu– Treated her daughter like a precious gemstone, she loved her whole heartedly even before discovering her capabilities as a jujutsu sorcerer.

Discovering your abilities, your mother and– just as dotting– father rejoiced, so proud of their little daughter.

Your mother's smile won't leave her face. Grinning, your mother e-mails her 3rd most favorite person in the world, your uncle and her little brother, Zen'in Toji.

Zen'in Toji was happy, hearing the news made him even happier. 'Atleast she won't be treated like I was.' He thought.

August, 1995.

Your training started, your father allowed you to wield the different weapons of the mortimer. Throwing knives here and there, even throwing a knife from the right but it manages to hit left, just as you wanted it to.

With your eyes closed, you dropped your knife, aiming to make it hit the target infront of you.

But you failed, being interrupted by someone infront of you, "Whoops!" The person exclaims.

You open your eyes, seeing a person with raven black hair and green eyes with the 5th knife of mortimer in his hands.

"You're not a normal person, I didn't even feel you infront of me, you must be a a person with the blood of a jujutsu sorcerer but born with no curse, aren't you?" You ask him for confirmation.

"You're so smart for a young lady." He squats so that he can look at you eye to eye. "I came here upon your mother's– well, my sister's request. She wants me to teach you."

"My mother... You're Zen'in Toji?!" You exclaim as you rap your small arms around the neck of the masculine man infront of you. "How come I didn't come into that conclusion? I've always idolized you ever since mother has told me about you!" You grin as Toji pats your back.

"Well be thankful, the best uncle you'll ever have is now your teacher!"

Year 2007

You're studying in Tokyo Jujutsu High, now in 2nd year. A special grade jujutsu sorcerer.

You knew that you are a good– a great jujutsu sorcerer despite not mastering your techniques to it's full potential. You had a younger brother who's 6 years old and looked at you as if you were a star in the sky that he could only dream of, a younger sister just born a few months ago. But why...

Why is he infront of you as your opponent. You knew that you could kill him in literal drop of a pin or a little wisp of wind but why?

Why can't you kill the man who you oh–so idolized. The man who teached you to be better, greater, and be the best.

So why can't you kill him? Why can't you kill Zen- Fushiguro Toji? And why... Why are there tears coming out of your eyes?

"Yuuna, stay back, I'll finish him." Gojo says, knowing that if you go on hurting a person you love and loves you so much, you'll just end up hurting yourself even more.

"No. I'll finish him, so that he knows that his student has already passed him." You answer Gojo as your eyes dulled up.

'Secret Metal Manipulation Technique: Piercing Spear.'

You focused as a silver spear appears out of nowhere and stabs your uncle's heart and Gojo used purple to warp your uncle. Your eyes widden in disbelief.

"S- Toji-chan!" You exclaim, running to him, trying to heal him with reverse cursed energy.

"No. Stop that." He tells you as he tries to push you away.

"In two or three years, my kid will get sold to the Zen'in clan. Do whatever you want." he says while looking down.

"And Yuyu?" He says, somehow finding the strength to lift his head and look in your eyes.

"I've always looked at you as if you're my own."

"Take care of Megumi for me, okay?"

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