seven ; past

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do you guys like it when i post chapters about the past and etc? because if ya'll don't then i'll stop.

YUUNA LIVED most of her middle school days like a normal citizen of Japan. Well, actually no.

Let me rephrase the sentence.

Yuuna went to a normal middle school and pretended to be a normal person in front of her middle school classmates and teachers.

"Uhh... Fuse-san!" You hear a footsteps behind you so you stopped walking and turned around. You long knew that there was someone following you but still pretended to not know.

"Um, Ah! You're Konoha Atsuki-san from class tw-" You were about to say but he cuts you off.

"Fuse-san! Please go out with me!" He exclaims really loud, gaining the attention of almost everyone in the hallway.

"Konoha from Class Two actually had the guts to ask Fuse out! Has nobody really told him about Fuse?" People started whispering.

"Sorry, Konoha-san. I'm engaged, for a long time actually- When I was about 5." You felt bad, really. He's really good looking too. But you already have a generous share of attractive people around you.

"A-! I'm sorry!" He exclaims then runs away.

Your friend, approaches you and smiles. "Yucchan! Let's go to the arcade today!"

"Oh? Kiyoko-chan? The arcade? I haven't been there before." You say, now shock masks her face.

"What?! You haven't been to the arcade yet?! What have you been doing in your life?!" She asks.

"Our estate almost has everything we ask for, entertainment and all." You tell her, "So you can say that I have a private arcade at home."

"The way you describe your family's estate is like describing a 3 year old's dream house." She says as you take out your shoes from your shoe locker. "I'd like to go there someday."

"Correction. It's 'Clan'" You tell her. "Right."

"You can come, maybe the day after tomorrow." You tell her, excitement paints her face. "Really?! But why not tomorrow?"

"My fiancé is coming to pick me up tomorrow." You say, the thought of Satoru picking you up makes you smile.

"Really? I'd love to meet him. But Yuuna, if he isn't good looking- I will be really dissapointed." She says, a serious look on her face.

You think for a bit, contemplating about whether or not will you tell her that your fiancé is an ikemen that came straight out of a shojo manga.

"Up to you I guess."

"So, should I call a driver so we can go to the arcade?" You ask, "No, it's close enough that we can walk there."

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"Ah Yuuna, I've always wanted to ask you but never had the guts to-" She suddenly stops as you hand her a doraemon plushie, the third one you got from the claw machine in a row. "What is it?"

"What does your family do? I've always been so curious, I saw you wallet and it's not really loaded with cash- you had seven big ones but- You have TWO black credit cards. Not one but TWO! And they aren't even named after your parents buy you!"

(a big one means 10,000 so seven big ones would mean 70,000)

"Hm. Well, I have two credit cards because one is my allowance from my family and the other is my allowance from my fiancé." You tell her.

"Oh! So it's an official betrothal! I thought it was like the thing that kids do, y'know, promising marriage and stuff. And you get an allowance from your fiancé?! Wow! Now I want a fiancé too." She says.

"I only get one because other clans can say things like 'The Gojo clan isn't even giving their heir's fiancee an allowance. Has the Gojo clan really fallen that low?' or something like that. Gojo's the surname of my fiancé by the way." You inform her as her face says: oOo

"Wait-! Heir?!" She snaps, "Ah yes, my fiancé, Gojo Satoru is the heir of the Gojo Clan, I'm also the heir of the Fuse Clan. But I'll probably back out in 20 years, give or take."

"And your other question, my family..." You hesitate for a bit. "We're Jujutsu Sorcerers."

"Jujutsu Sorcerers?" She asks skeptically. "If I we're to explain the whole thing, it'd take a while so... Let's just say that Jujutsu Sorcerers handles the jobs that are too absurd for the police to handle."

"Please elaborate." She says.

"Well, there are four major clans: The Gojo Clan, The Fuse Clan, The Zen'in Clan, and The Kamo Clan. There are many more minor ones but they're the for mains. There are these creatures that are called curses- normal people can't see them but it is normal people who create them. They're made by large amounts of negative emotions so in order for those creatures to not cause trouble for normal people, we Jujutsu Sorcerers slay them." You look at her to see her reaction.

"D- does that mean that you can fly?" She asks suddenly. "W-What? Well yes-" You say, slightly taken aback.

"Okay then! Let's be friends forever!" She exclaims. "Ha- Haah? Well- Okay!"

"Oh! By the way, why don't normal people know about Jujutsu Sorcerers?" She asks.

"Jujutsu Sorcerers aren't really a secret but we also don't scream our title to the world so that it won't cause panic and of course- we wouldn't sound crazy."

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The bell rings and you rush to clean all your things up, "I'll be going now! Bye!" You run out.

Your other friends looked at your dissappearing figure weirdly.

"Yuuna-chan is acting really weird today." Ririka says.

"Mhm, she keeps looking at her wrist watch and she won't sit still. She also looked like she wasn't listening to the lecture at all." Haruka points out.

And magically, the whole school fell silent for 3 seconds. and coincidentially, Kiyoko was the only one who spoke in that three seconds.

"Yeah, her fiancé is picking her up."

Almost the whole school then rushed to the front of the school. Kiyoko's somehow standing beside you.

"Yo! I bet 5 big ones that Fuse's boyfie looks horrible." Bets already started going around.

"Oh! He said that the driver's pulling up!" You said, looking at your phone then at the school's gate, spotting a Black Ford Aston Martin.

You run to the car, it's back door opening. The other students' eyes tailing your figure, it's as if it's their fiancé picking them up.

Silky white hair, pearly blue eyes, pale yet peachy skin, broad shoulders, and sharp jawline. The man that came out of the car was prettier than most girls and obviously more attractive than every single man in that school that has ever asked you out.

"Satoru!" You grin, running to his figure and hugging him. "I missed you!" He hugs you back. "I missed you even more!" He tightens his embrace.

"Let's go home!" He exclaims, "Who's house?" You ask "Mine!" he answers, opening the car's back seat door for you to enter then he follows shortly after.

'Wow, it's a man among men.'

part 2?

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 ; jujutsu kaisenWhere stories live. Discover now