The wind almost blew me off by itself. I stood up there, on the top of my apartment building smiling. I looked down, but did not see the bustling streets of New York City twenty stories below. Instead I saw the face of death smiling back at me; as old friends do. I my smile grew wider. I was not at all crazy, just happy to die after very bad things had happened to me. I walked up to the ledge and looked down. My good friend death was telling me that I had to go now. I pondered for a moment, should I jump or should I fall? I choose to fall. I lifted my head up high and started to make my decent to the sidewalk below. I fell down so fast that world was a mixture of blurred hues.
the world started to fade as I sped down, down, down. then I stopped. I opened my eyes, expecting to be in some unearthly place. When I opened my eyes though, I was in a more unthinkable place then even heaven. I was floating; floating inches above the pavement, inches above death.
I had been saved.
THANKS FOR READING! I hope you enjoyed and I will try to post the next chapter soon. It would come a little earlier though if you guys would VOTE and COMMENT with feedback.
Now on to those cookies. OM NOMNOMNOM
Randomshould I jump Or should I fall? That was the Question on My mind that cold winter day. The day that everything changed. the day that I was saved