Sugawara Kōshi's Birthday (June 13)

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I couldn't choose between two songs, so I'll give you both!😊

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Author's Note:

This takes place way before the finals exams, like 3 weeks prior.

June and July are really packed with events and scenes, and I don't think the timeline is all that accurate... But, it's for the sake of the story. (I may just be getting confused with how the anime goes vs what I've heard about the manga.)
Anyway, I hope you all don't mind too much... It's relatively right after the practice match between Karasuno and Ohgi Nishi and Iwaizumi's birthday.


"Hitoka-chan." Ai walked up to the manager-in-training to request her help for something she had in mind. 

"Yes?" Yachi stiffened notably as she was acknowledged by the older female.

Ai smiled. "Relax, you're doing great." She touched the girl's arm and led her to lean against the stage for a quiet moment to talk. After hearing about her artistic creativity, she thought that the daughter of a designer might take up the task; Yachi's background was fortuitous in many ways. Her outstanding poster was already gathering people's attention and awareness, as well as some endorsements. Plus, this would help her form closer relationships with the club members, should she choose to join officially.

"It's Sugawara-senpai's birthday next Wednesday, the vice-captain," Ai started. "I'm planning on making a birthday card for him with my mother's supplies. Would you like to design it with me?"

"M-me?" Yachi seemed surprised to be given such an important job. "R-really? Can I?"

"Of course. I'd love your help," she said, phrasing it like she only had to be her assistant rather than having to do it by herself. Ai smiled reassuringly and continued to tell her the details. "My mother sells craft supplies and is a demonstrator for the products. Come to my house this weekend with a draft of your sketch, and we'll decide on a design together."

Yachi nodded, showing her understanding of the assignment.

"It won't take long, and I'll make the card itself so you don't have to take time out of your studying for finals."

"Oh no, I don't mind! We should make it together so that you'll have time to study, too!" she protested enthusiastically. "It'll be faster with the two of us!"

Ai laughed, surprising Ennoshita and Tanaka who overheard her light giggles. "Okay, we'll see how far we can get."

Yachi grinned, and an idea popped into her head. "Oh, what about Shimizu-senpai?"

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