(Extra: Banners/Epithets)

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As always, please comment if you want to see a school added to the list, or if there are any mistakes!

Thank you!!


Kuroko no Basket

Teikō Middle School:
百戦百勝 (Hyaku sen hyaku shou)
"A Hundred Battles, A Hundred Victories"

Seirin High School:
脅威の新星 (Kyoui no shinsei)
"Threatening New Star"
奇跡の新星 (Kiseki no shinsei)
"New Star of Miracles"

Kaijō High School:
青の精鋭 (Ao no seiei)
"Blue Elite"

Shūtoku High School:
歴戦の王者 (Rekisen no oojya)
"King of Veterans"
不撓不屈 (Futou fukutsu)

Tōō Academy:
新鋭の暴君 (Shin-ei no boukun)
"New, Sharp Tyrant"

Yōsen High School:
絶対防御 (Zettai bougyo)
"Absolute Defense"
イージスの楯 (Aegis no tate)
"Shield of Aegis"

Rakuzan High School:
開闢の帝王 (Kaibyaku no teiou)
"Emperor of the Beginning"
は文部両道なので (Wa monbu ryoudou nanode)
"Accomplishment in both studies and sports"

Rakuzan High School:開闢の帝王 (Kaibyaku no teiou) "Emperor of the Beginning" は文部両道なので (Wa monbu ryoudou nanode) "Accomplishment in both studies and sports"

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Kitagawa Daiichi/Kita Ichi Middle School:
必勝 (Hisshou)
"Must Win"

Karasuno High School:
飛べ (Tobe)

Aoba Johsai/Seijoh Private High:
コートを制す (COURT wo seisu)
"Rule the Court"

Date Tech High School:
伊達の鉄壁 (Date no teppeki)
"Date's Iron Wall"

Nekoma High School:
繋げ (Tsunage)

Tokonami High School:
がんばれ!常波魂 (Ganbare! Tokonami damashii)
"Go! Tokonami Spirit"

Ohgi Minami High School:
念すれば花開く (Nensureba hana hiraku)
"If You Think About It, the Flower Will Bloom"

Johzenji High School:
質実剛健 (Shitsujitsu gouken)
"Simplicity and Fortitude"

Wakutani Minami/Wakunan High School:
粘りを見せろ (Nebari wo misero)
"Show Tenacity"

Shiratorizawa Academy:
獅子奮迅 (Shishi funjin)
"Irresistible Force"
強者であれ (Kyousha de are)
"Be the Strong One"

Fukurōdani Academy:
一球入魂 (Ikkyuu nyuukon)
"Put Your Soul into One Ball"

Nohebi Academy:
正々堂々 (Seisei doudou)
"Fair and Square"

Tsubakihara Academy:
細さ流れも大河となる (Hososa nagaremo taika tonaru)
"Even Thin Streams Become Big Rivers"

Inarizaki High School:
思いでなんかいらん (Omoide nanka iran)
"Don't need memories" in the Kansai dialect

Sarukawa Tech:
何度でも立て (Nando demo tate)
"Stand up countless times"

Itachiyama Institute:
常勝 (Jyoushou)
"Always Win"
努力 (Doryoku)
"Hard Work"

Kamomedai High School:
習慣は第二の天性なり (Shuukan wa daini no tensei nari)
"Habit Becomes Second Nature"


坂ノ下商店 (Sakanoshita shouten)
"Sakanoshita Store"

"Shimada Mart"


Happy Valentine's Day!
And, happy birthday to Yamagata Hayato, Shiratorizawa's libero!

Sorry it's not a story chapter... I'll start publishing Season 2 soon! Maybe, hopefully, at the end of this month...?😓

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