Chapter 3-Holidays <Hailey and Kate>

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"Shut that thing off..." kate growled as the alarm clock buzzed loudly, echoing within the room. Hailey felt for the alarm clock and turned it off as she slowly got up. Within the span of 3 seconds, Kate had fallen back to sleep. Of course...typical Kate...Hailey giggled and washed up first before waking Kate up. Kate put up a big fight, unwilling to accept her fate. "Just let me sleep some more..." she groaned as she covered herself with the blanket. Hailey rolled her eyes and replied, "well then, there is only one last thing I can do..." "AHHH!!! STOP IT, OKAY I WILL GET UP! AHHH STOP TICKLING ME! AHHH!" Kate squealed as Hailey attacked her. They ran around the room like little children, putting up pillow fights and building forts. Finally, they were ready for the day. Kate sighed as she knew that she was going to follow Hailey's strict schedule, which she was not looking forward to. She knew that even AEA was more lenient than her parents. They rushed around making themselves presentable before heading downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning!" Hailey greeted and took her seat. The morning routine went along as usual, and the duo found themselves seated at the study, nervously tapping their pens against the table.

They glanced at each other and just then the door opened. The teacher walked in and handed them each a worksheet. "Let's see how much you have improved after going to that school, and see what we need to work on." She explained. For the next couple of hours, they sat still writing a ton of essays and finishing practice papers after practice papers that they were sure their hands were going to fall off. Barely having time for breaks, they worked like machines that churned out answers—right or wrong, they did not care. Their hands ached, their head hurt and their necks were stiff. They glanced at the clock every couple of minutes, beging time to speed up. Why did time seem so utterly slow? Was their torture supposed to be prolonged like this? In the end, after completing their 5th paper, the teacher gave them a much needed break. They doubled over in exhaustion. After all, they had spent their last few brain cells on that dreadful test paper. The teacher marked the papers as they went off for lunch. Seeing that they had some time, they decided to play in the garden and stretch their legs.

Unfortunately, the duo had lost track of time and their teacher was extremely upset. "IF you two EVER come back late again, you are going to forgo your sleep and do your practice papers late into the night!" She threatened, and the duo knew that she was serious. Mumbling an apology, they calmed down and sat at their seats again. "I am disappointed. You two barely passed all the papers. Yes, there was improvement, but you are not at the level that is expected of you." The teacher chided harshly, making them groan in annoyance. She continued to lecture them on how they had disgraced their parents, how dumb they were and how much hard work they had to put in. Throughout it all, Kate secretly rolled her eyes. Grades were not supposed to be everything! But for them, it was. All for their families' image that they were so concerned about. Seriously, no one cares about how much you scored in a single test. Because of their 'poor performance', they were forced to attend extra lessons and continue to do practice papers the whole day.

"I cannot wait to go back to school!" Hailey exclaimed. Kate heartily agreed as they laid on the bed in exhaustion. "I hate doing practice papers all day..." kate complained. "I cannot wait to see sir again!" Hailey squealed, wishing that time would speed up and that she could return to school. Sadly, that was not how life was going to treat her the entire holidays. Although it was just one month, it felt like an entire year as everyday was spent in that dark, lonely, musty room that held all their tortures. They cried and laughed in hopelessness as the teacher did her best to force more information into their heads. "There is no way to do this!" Kate screamed in annoyance. Hailey was running out of patience as well, becoming defiant and unwilling to do the work. Within the span of one week, two Teachers were fired and replaced with new ones. None of them could make the children want to learn. In the end, they could only do their best.
Whenever they could, they would text their other besties—Jenna and Macey.

Hailey: Hey girls, wassup? 💕
Macey: Nothing good.
Kate: Aww that sucks 😂
Jenna: At least you two have each other 🙄
Kate: Yea, but do y'all need to study 24/7?
Macey: I never volunteered to go to Hailey's house-
Jenna: Me neither-
Hailey: Why not T^T
Macey: Good luck gurls, suck it up and move on!
Jenna: Yep, see y'all back in school soon!
850 words if you wanna know
Thanks so much for all the support everyone! I am really excited to be making this sequel. I am still deciding on the plot, but I think I have a pretty steady idea right now. It will be slightly different from the first book, and I am thrilled to be able to share it with you guys. I will do my best to update more, so stay tuned! Thanks, and please stay safe and healthy where ever you are! Peace out ✌️ 💗

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