Chapter 3 - Surprise Test

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As much as I hate to admit it, drugging my best friend isn't quite enough to kill my attraction for Nino. However, that doesn't mean I didn't get pissed off at what happened.

Fuutarou got knocked out after taking a single sip from the water Nino gave him. It took me a few moments to react due to the sudden shock of the situation, but as soon as got back to my senses, I got up and checked on him. He was out cold, but he was going to be fine... probably. Nino was cackling maniacally after seeing the success in her scheme. While the other girls weren't outright laughing, they were containing some chuckles. The only one who looked worried was Yotsuba, but her expression could also be interpreted as confusion.

"You're laughing? Fuutarou just got drugged and you're laughing?"

I gave Nino a death glare as I tried to wake Fuutarou up. Her laughing gradually subsided, giving way to a uncomfortable silence. I reached into Fuutarou's pocket, grabbing his student handbook which I knew contained his exact address.

"What did you do, Nino?" Itsuki said as she descended the stairs.

"I dealt with this insufferable guy for us. You're welcome."

"That's not what you were supposed to do. You can't just drug the people who don't go your way."

"Itsuki, he was stalking you!"

"No. No, he wasn't," I said, "He was trying to find a time to apologize to Itsuki-san."

Nino looked at me, choking on her own words as she tried to give me a reply. Itsuki kneeled by my side, looking at Fuutarou with concern.

"What do we do with him, L/N-kun?" She asked.

"I'm taking him home. I'll call a cab."

"No. Let me do it." She said, "It's unfair for you to pay for it after this."

"Are you sure?"

She simply nodded. I began to pack both our things as Itsuki called for a cab.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Nino asked me. I didn't even bother to answer her. I put on my backpack and gently picked up Fuutarou while Itsuki got his bag. The least that I could do is to get him to the cab.

The three other sisters were still looking at me quite dumbfounded. Yotsuba looked like she wanted to help but she didn't really move from her seat.

"You're leaving?" Nino asked indignantly.

"You got what you wanted. You put an end to the lesson," I coldly replied.

We left the apartment, reaching the lobby and leaving the building without speaking a single word. Though as I placed Fuutarou in the backseat of the car, I saw Itsuki getting in the front seat. I looked at her in confusion. She then explained:

"I'll accompany him. You live near the school, right? It doesn't make sense for you to go the opposite way to take him."

"It makes even less sense for you to go."

"I owe him an apology. Plus I need to pay for the trip so..."

"I thought you hated him."

She looked slightly regretful after I said that.

"I don't hate him... don't get me wrong, he's still a dumbass. But what Nino did was not fair on him."

"I see..."

Itsuki is a good person. It's a shame that she so vehemently refused to attend the lesson, because from the little that I know of her personality, had the circumstances been different, the three of us could have made good friends.

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