Chapter 20 - Onsen

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Just a warning, this chapter gets a bit lewd. Nothing explicit, or even implicit, but just wanted to give you guys a little head's up.

Enjoy ;)


Nino's POV:

I did not sleep well last night. I stayed up until 4 AM just fantasizing about the school trip. Y/N-kun didn't invite me to dance with him yet, and that's gotten me a bit disheartened. He's not the type to forget this sort of thing. Maybe he thinks that's too intimate of a gesture? But if it was, nobody at our school would dare to do it. Considering what we've been through together, I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't be willing to do this as well. I could invite him to dance as well.... but what if I scare him with my advances?

Ugh... this doesn't sound like me at all. If he was counseling me on this, he'd say that I was acting paranoid. Cowering is not something I do. If I want something, I'll take it by whatever means necessary. And I want him.

"What's that sudden change in expression?" Miku asked me.

I had been waiting by the busses along with my other classes as the teachers did the headcount. Y/N had disappeared out of sight a few minutes ago and hasn't come back yet.

"I just decided on something. Do you know where Y/N-kun is?"

"Yes. He's by Ebata-san car."

"Our driver? What's he doing here?"

"That's what I came to tell you. We're not going by bus anymore."

"Why not?"

"Fuutarou is still at home taking care of Raiha. He sent a text to Y/N saying that he's not gonna make it here in time so he decided to bail on the trip."

"...And what does that have to do with us not going by bus?"

"We're bringing him with us."

"He's taking care of his little sister, isn't he? Leave him."

Miku's expression turned serious.

"No, Nino. He deserves to come with us."

"I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it. Just that it's better if he stays there to take care of her. Who knows? He might force us to study or something."

"He promised he wouldn't."

"I'm going on the bus. You girls can go in Ebata-san's car if you prefer, but I'm staying here."

"You heard her." Y/N-kun said, appearing out of nowhere, "Let's go while there's still time."

"You're going with them??"

"Is everything ready, Y/N?" Miku asked.

"Yep. I've double-checked." He answered, "I guess I'll see you there, Nino."

"W-Wait, then..."

"Let me guess, now you want to come too." Y/N smugly asked.

It feels so pathetic to give way here, even if I've fallen for these sorts of situations countless times already.

"I don't want to have to deal with the boys asking me to be their pair while we're on the bus. Even if I reject them, I have nowhere to run."

"Sounds like an excuse to be in the same vehicle as I am." He mocked me.

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