Chapter 17 - The Results

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The room was already bright enough to wake me up without the alarm. The hazy sunlight of a chilly morning was always a comfortable way of waking up. At least, much better than my phone's alarm blaring at max volume. A few seconds went by as I processed where exactly I was. Obviously, it wasn't my apartment, but I couldn't realize that after only a few instants of lucidity.

Slowly, I took in the cues. A bed larger than what I was accustomed to, a big ass window, and, of course, Nino peacefully sleeping as she rested her head on my chest.

Ah, yes. The hotel.

I've spent two days here already, yet my brain just hasn't gotten used to waking up in a different environment. Yesterday was rather inconsequential, with the teachers mainly focusing on resolving some of the exercises from Wednesday's exam. Nino had no interest in such activity, and neither did I if I'm being entirely honest. We compensated for the time wasted at school yesterday with yet another date.

But things wouldn't be as serene today, for we would finally know our grades. As soon as we arrive at school we'll be faced with a scoreboard showing the results of the exam, and even if Nino doesn't want to see it, the school will hand us the answer sheet back with our grades.

After reaching out and grabbing my phone, I saw that it was a pretty reasonable time to wake up. 6:05 AM of Friday. A bit earlier than what I'm used to, but that's a sacrifice I'm more than willing to make if it means this is my routine.

Just as I had gathered enough strength to get out of bed, I felt Nino tightening her embrace.

"Five more minutes." She said in her adorable sleepy state.

"I'd rather leave you wanting more."


It's funny how intimate we're getting, especially considering that we aren't officially dating yet. This whole experiment is basically a trial of how a relationship between us two would be. Am I complaining? Absolutely not. But is hard to ignore the fact that this situation. It is escalating much faster than any relationship I've ever heard of.

The confession and the 'first kiss' being one day apart isn't that absurd, but it's only been a week and we're cuddling together. Hormones aside, I have a couple of theories as to why... and they're kinda sad. Both on Wednesday and yesterday, I noticed how Nino was acting clingier than usual. I haven't been with her for long enough to know if this is how she act's normally as a girlfriend, but I feel that's not the case.

I think that because there is a chance that we may not be allowed to ever see each other again by the end of today, she's thrown decorum out the window and is just doing whatever her heart wants. I appreciate the boldness, but I still want to go back and enjoy the steps we're skipping on the 'relationship ladder'.

"Ok, five minutes passed. Let's go".

"Five moar..." She mumbled.

"C'mon sleepyhead. We don't have as much time as before."


"Then at least let me go."

"But you're so warm..."

"You're making this situation hard for me."

"Then stop being so huggable!"

My heart... I can't.

"C'mon." I caressed her hair.

She turned her head to me, pouting, "If I fall asleep during classes today, it'll be your fault."

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