Chapter 21 - The Fire Inside

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Third person perspective:

"...and so for this reason, the consensus in mathematics is that you cannot divide by zero. Itsuki, are you still following?"

"Huh? Y-Yes!"

Fuutarou sighed, "No, you're not."

Miku closed her textbook, stretching her back and adjusting the headphones around her neck. Only Itsuki and Fuutarou were in the room with her as they weren't entirely comfortable with the idea of joining a mixed bath. She didn't know about the other two, but she slightly regrets not taking the opportunity. Insecurity was a big problem, but at the same time, this sort of occasion was quite hard to come by.

"Fuutarou, I know we haven't studied for two weeks, but do we really need to do this right now?"

"Do you have a better idea of how to spend the time?"

"I do, actually." Miku said, "Tell us more about yourself."

Itsuki almost choked on the chips she had been munching on during the past few minutes. She looked at her sister, completely confused by her attitude.

"W-Why?" Fuutarou asked.

"Because despite the fact you come to tutor us multiple times a week, we still know next to nothing about you."

"There isn't much to know about me anyway." He dismissively said.

"But aren't you the slightest bit curious to know more about us?"

"Not really?"

"Pfft! How insensitive." Itsuki complained.

"If you want to know anything about me, just ask Itsuki. She already knows almost everything about my personal life anyway."

Miku's face went blank, "You do?"

Is she Fuutarou's friend? She is the only one who has been to his house before, and she had a few meals there too. But why? She doesn't even like him. How can their friendship be so advanced?

"I do?" Itsuki said in confusion.

Oh, never mind.

"Probably. As I said, there isn't much to know. Let's get back to studying."

"Then tell me something you'd like to know about me." Miku boldly said.

As she expected, the question caught Fuutarou by surprise. For the first time since they began, his attention was averted from the algebra he had been working on. He turned to Miku, completely puzzled by her demand.


"Seriously? There's nothing about us that is of any interest to you?" Itsuki provoked.

Your money – he mentally replied.

Miku lowered her head, the bangs of her head covering her face almost entirely. Noticing the error in his ways, Fuutarou quickly formulated a question for them.

"There is, actually." He said, "What do you two wanna do after you graduate?"

Miku chuckled dryly. A question that had barely any thought behind it. Unsatisfying at best, but it would serve for now.

"What I want to do..." Miku replied, "Probably something to do with cooking."

"Cooking?" Itsuki asked, surprised, "A-Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. I want to learn how to cook better, so if everything goes right, I'm going to culinary school."

"Okay..." Fuutarou said, "What about you, Itsuki?"

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