Chapter 23 - Test of Courage

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Nino's POV:

The test of courage wasn't supposed to be romantic, but it was yet another opportunity to be alone with him. Maybe I can pretend to be scared so that he could hold me... would that work with him?


I was in our dorm, looking out the window as I listened to the first song we heard together. The entrance to the test of courage was already lit. In a few minutes, he'll come knocking on our door.


"Oh, what is it, Itsuki?"

"Are those Miku's headphones?" She asked.

"Yeah. She's taking a shower."

"I see..." She went quiet.

"Why did you call me for?"

"Can you come on the test of courage with me?"

I took off the headphones, looking at Itsuki a bit puzzled.

"You want to go?"

"Yes... but I couldn't find a pair." She said, "Miku is going with Ichika and Yotsuba in one of the staff."

"You don't necessarily need to have a pair to go through it."

"I know that." Itsuki said, averting her eyes but still maintaining a decisive tone of voice, "But I'm scared of going alone."

"You also don't have to go if you don't want to." I argued.

"You're going with L/N-kun, aren't you?"


"I should have figured." Itsuki dismissively said. "Is it ok if I... no, nevermind."

"Wait, but why do you wanna go so much? Didn't you say you didn't want to participate because you were afraid of ghosts?"

"Yes, but-"

"Such a scientific-minded individual shouldn't be afraid of ghosts." A masculine voice interrupted Itsuki.

Both of us looked at the room's entrance, seeing Y/N casually leaning against the doorframe, "You left the door open, by the way."

I weighed the options. I wanted to be alone with him, but poor Itsuki...

"Y/N-kun, can Itsuki come with us?"

"Oh, no don't worry about me-"

"Of course." He smiled.

Itsuki shot a look at me that conveyed to me all of her thoughts, even without words. This outcome would be suboptimal at best. She would be kinda third-wheeling us for the entire track. But I'd feel really guilty if I left my little sister to go through an experience she finds so scary all by herself.

"No, it's ok. Really. I can go on my own." She protested.

"Yeah, you could. But it would be more fun to have you around."

More fun? What do you mean more fun?

"Are you sure?" She said, still a bit reluctantly, "T-Thank you."

I don't know if I was seeing things. It might have been the lighting or maybe just my paranoia, but I'm pretty sure I saw Itsuki blushing at his words.

"Let's get going then, shall we?" Y/N-said, "The test will begin in a few minutes."


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