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Emerald's PoV:

I didn't even see it happen. All I know is that one moment, my father was scanning, and the next, he was just... gone...

Collapsing to the floor, unable to breathe, I began sobbing. Who would do such a thing?

Someone walked into the room then screamed, followed by receding footsteps and a blaring emergency meeting alarm.

I had known from he amount of blood - and the fact that he had been chopped in half - that nothing was going to be able to save him, but that wasn't going to stop me from trying to shake him awake, choking through my tears.

"Dad... Dad get up...

"Green, are you in he- oh... OH MY GOODNESS WHAT'S HAPPENED!" A different voice exclaims from behind me. I'm not quite sure who it is, but can't be bothered to find out. What does it matter?

The person takes a few shaky breaths before declaring "Umm, okay... Emerald come with me"

"No!" I cry, kneeling down next to the dead body.

A pair of hands firmly grip just around my stomach, I finally notice that it's Blue who was in the room with me. As she begins to pick me up, I desperately hug my father, as if by clinging onto him I could somehow bring him back. What I did know was that if Blue took me away from him, I'd never see him again, dead or alive.

The next few moments merged into one blur. Blue taking me to the cafeteria, shouting - lots of shouting - and then they were interrogating me.

"I didn't see!" I protest.

"But surely you must have known who was in the room?" Pink questions

"No!" I yell, miserably plopping down on the floor.

"What about you, Yellow?" Brown asks gently.

"No" she sniffs, "Nobody was there, in fact I hadn't seen anyone at all in a quite while"

Purple was next to her, supportingly patting her back. Why was he consoling HER? She wasn't the one who had just seen her father murdered!

Lime's PoV:

Green was dead.
There was an imposter among us.

It can't get any worse than this.

"Well I think it was Lime"

Oh- great. It can get worse.
"Wha-What?!" I exclaim, whipping my head around to look at who just accused me. White.

"I saw him near medbay a while ago" she says

"Well, you went into comms, that's right next to it! And I went to the cafeteria!" I protest, "I was looking after Scarlet this whole time"

"Yeah" the child piped up, pausing her game of using me as her personal bouncy castle, "Lime didn't kill anyone"

"Well how do we know that you didn't do it and then bribe her to keep quiet with that cookie?" Cyan says skeptically.

"Excuse me, she had what?!" Red snapped at me.

"I... I thought it would be okay if-" I wince at the harsh tone of Red's voice.

"Besides, Lime was never really friends with Green, either" Pink declares with his snobbish voice. If I had killed anyone, it would have been you, Pink...

"But he isn't really friends with anyone is he?" Orange pointed out.

Um, hello? Im standing right here!

"No offence or anything" he quickly adds, as if he had read my mind. Either that or he just saw the offended look on my face through my visor somehow.

"Well-" Black interrupts, But is cut off by scattered conversations.

"Hey!" He yelled, thumping his fist in the table, startling everyone. "Sorry- just, I was with Lime on the balcony just before the alarm went off. It can't have been him"

Woah... Black is... standing up for me? No one has ever done that before...

"Okay then" Blue sighs, "we have no leads"
she was answered by multiple murmurs of agreement, "so just keep a lookout and be cautious. This meeting is over."

Within a few seconds, the crew scatters. Lemon, Indigo and Lapis all get taken back by their parents. Black shoots me a small smile before walking off with his son, and Red storms up to me. This will be fun-

"Come on, Scarlet. We're going." She says in a spiteful tone, giving me a harsh glare before leaving. Not as bad as I was expecting... now it was just me and Emerald.
Everyone else just left him there... sat on the floor in front of the vending machines by himself.

"Hey," I say in a gentle, soft voice. "Wanna come with me?"

"No!" He shouts. "Leave me alone"

I wouldn't want to be alone as if I was in his situation... I don't know him particularly well, but understand that he's a pretty smart kid; if he says he wants to be alone, he means it..

Well, I still have to fix the wires... so I'll go to storage. That way I can give him the space he needs, without going too far away so I can still monitor him.

Poor Emerald...

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