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Blue's PoV:

My cafeteria plan had gone smoothly so far. Lime had returned with the other children. After their lunch of pizza, all of them were now playing games with Lapis, with the exception of Teal who stayed with her mother, and Snow who was just sat in the corner on his own.

I heard Indigo asking my son wether we'd be safe here. Lapis of course reassures her, giving her a comforting hug. I'm so proud of him.

"It will all be okay, as long as we all stay together" he said.

There was just one small problem with that.

"What's that alarm?!" Lime exclaimed, looking towards me for an answer.

"O2 is depleting- GUYS, TO THE GREENHOUSE!" I ordered, "Lapis stay with the children"

"It's okay" he told the rest of them, "the adults will fix it"

The rest of the children seemed mostly relieved
"Okay Lapis"
"That's good"
"Your mommy is good at fixing things"
"This is scary"

I lead the way to the greenhouse, the rest of the crewmates following close behind.

Yellow's PoV:

Blue was the first person to arrive in the greenhouse, quickly fixing the oxygen.
Why did we all have to go? Never mind.

"Heh, back we go" I sigh in relief.

"Maybe we should all just do our tasks, otherwise the imposter is likely to sabotage the HQ more" Cyan murmurs

"Yeah I guess you're right" Blue agrees. "Okay, let's split up"

Lime's PoV:

Splitting up again didn't seem like such a great idea, however we couldn't argue with Blue. Uh, I need to go back to the reactor...

Well, I suppose that Cyan was actually right about the sabotages. Now the lights are broken once again. Never mind about the reactor then.
Just as I turn around and leave the locker room, I hear a scream coming from the hallway ahead, followed by a dull thud.
A body?!

At this point, I was just racing through the part of the hallway where it splits into a Y shape, when I crash into someone else.

"AGH GET BACK!" They yell at me, most likely thinking I was an imposter. It sounds like Blue.

"Ow," I mutter, "it's just me"

"Oh, Lime" she sighs in relief, "did you hear that?" Blue asks, gulping.

I nod in agreement, only realising after a few moments that Blue couldn't see the gesture. "Yeah I heard the scream."

Luckily, the lights flickered on at that very moment. Well, unlucky for the imposter.

Blue and I both gasped as we saw what lied ahead of us. Purple, dead, sprawled across the floor, and the imposter stabbing Yellow. Her eyes that had just been filled with fear slowly turned blank, rolling back into her head as the body went limp and crashed into the floor next to her husband.

And the imposter was none other than Red.

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