My Room, 11:00

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Pink's PoV:

For the millionth time, I impatiently glance at my clock. 10:50.

No matter how many times I look at it, it's not going to make it work any faster, so why do I keep thinking that it will? Why am I looking forward to this so much anyway?

I walk over to my clock and pull it off the wall, turning the cogs, spinning the hands around until the time read '11:00'

UGH WHAT THE HECK?! That doesn't change the real time, Orange's clock will still say 10:50! Is this really how desperate I am? That's pretty sad...

Okay, uh, the room has already been tidied, absolutely spotless (like um it's not Blue coming in for a room check, but whatevs), and I have no clue what else to do.
Why didn't I tell him to come at 10:00? Uh, I did that 'cause most people are still awake then, duh!

Dang it, what's the actual time now?

My tablet says 10:51... ugh THE TORTURE, THE PAIN!

Perhaps I'm over reacting. Maybe he'll show up early.

After a few minutes, I finally give up. I'm soOoO fed up of waiting, and it's not like I have the longest patience at the best of times.

Luckily, just as I open the door, I see Orange racing down the hallway, his footsteps leaving quiet, rhythmic thuds that lightly echoed through the narrow corridor. In the darkness I could see the light from his tablet getting reflected in his visor.

He was so concentrated looking down at his tablet, he didn't even notice me. I grab his shoulder when he was just about to run past me, and he yelps in shock, dropping his tablet and almost falling over. Only then does he look up and see me.

"Oh, Pink, thank goodness it's just you. Warn me next time!" He exclaims after his hyperventilating had calmed down.

"Heh, it's more fun this way" I tease, bending down to pick his tablet up. "C'mon, you weren't practicing tasks again, were you?" I ask, my tone turning serious

Orange quickly grabs the tablet from me and turns it off. "Uh, sorry. I just wanna be perfect, ya know?"

"You are perfect" the words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them. "AT TASKS I MEAN!"

"Oh, thanks" he mumbles. I can imagine he was probably blushing at this point, however neither of us had yet removed our helmets.

"Yeah," I continue, "most of the crew even say that you do tasks so fast, it's as if you don't actually do them". After saying this, I pause to think about how suspicious that sounds.
Okay, I'm going to need to change the subject. "Sooo- wanna come in I guess?" I ask, gesturing inside.

"Thanks" he shyly mumbles. "So, what were we talking about earlier before Red interrupted us?"

"Oh, yeah" I nod. "Your face was pink"

"I see" he laughs nervously "and yours was pink too."

Okay. I've been considering for ages how to word this. "So, not to jump to conclusions, but would I be right in guessing-" I trail off, placing my hands on either side of Orange's helmet to keep it still before leaning forwards, making us bonk visors again, this time on purpose.

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