14 | B is for Boss!

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A/N: Hey guys just a few things before you start reading, or you can skip this.

1. For the video attached above I put a small a/n in the middle of the chapter to let to know when to play the video so it makes more sense to all you non horse people :)

2. This video is not mine

3. Ok enjoy!



"Hey Boss!" Alex walked over to my horses' stall. My dad got Boss for me on Christmas three years ago, and we've been a great team ever since. He's a 16.8 hand, chestnut thoroughbred. I decided to name him Bostonian because it reminds me of my dad, but I just call him Boss for short.

"Hey bud" I slid the stall door open and put the halter on over his head and attached the lead rope. I brought him to a set of crossties in front of his stall and started to groom him.

"I want to learn how to ride" Alex said while petting Boss.

"Maybe if you come again you can" I smiled at her while putting the saddle on.

"That would be awesome!" She beamed. After I put the bridle over his head and got on we headed for the ring and I warmed up while I waited for my instructor to come in.

"Hey Jess, how are you and Boss doing today?" She asked while going over to setup some jumps.

"Great" I simply said.

"Ok so today is going to be all about pace." Robin, my instructor said.

(A/n: If this part confuses you look at the YouTube video, that's suppose to be her in the lesson)

"Start by cantering the single on the quarter line coming home, diagonal line away in five strides, outside line coming home in five strides, single on the diagonal and finish with the other outside line coming home in four strides, got it?" She asked.

"Got it" I told her. It was simple, but tricky at the same time. I picked up my right lead canter and went around the ring to the single jump on the quarter line.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5" I counted my strides as I got to the base of the jump. Boss lifted his front feet and I rose out of the saddle to meet his neck. We soared over the first jump and landed on the correct lead.

"Perfect!" Robin called out. I looked at the diagonal line coming up in front of me and we got the five strides perfectly. Next came up the outside line in five. I felt a little under pace so I pushed him up to the jump.

"Good decision" I heard robin tell me. Then came the single going away from home, by now I had enough pace, almost a little too much, before I could slow him down we went over and chipped it a tad. Since this is the last line and it's coming home I know Boss will want to try to rush it. I sat deep in the saddle and had a good amount of contact on him.

"3, 2, 1" I said in my head before we took off. I love jumping, in that split second when all four of his hooves are off the ground I feel like I can fly and it's only my horse and I. It's a great feeling, I feel like I can do anything. The last jump came up and we soared over it. I did a closing circle and walked over to my instructor.

"That was a great course! The only think I would fix is the single on the diagonal away, you were too forward and that caused him to chip" she said. "But over all it was fantastic, let's try it backwards now"


"You did great today!" Alex said as I was driving her home.

"Thank you" I took a sip out of my water bottle. We pulled up at Alex's house and we said goodbye.

"Do you feel that you're ready for finals later this month?" My mom asked me.

"Almost" I told my mom. When we got home I took a quick shower and went to start my homework.

*buzz buzz* my phone vibrated.

Matt: where was my invite to meet your horse today :(

I laughed at the text before texting Alex.

Jessica: big mouth why did you tell matt I went to the barn today?

Alex: because he asked drake where you were and he said that I went somewhere with you so he kept texting me and it was annoying me. I think I'll block his number

Jessica: lmao ily


Jessica: tru

Jessica (to Matt): you can come to finals later this month

Matt: OMGGG!

I laughed again before putting my phone away and starting my homework.


A/N.... again: Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update on Friday I was on vacation and did not have my computer with me.

love you guys xoxo

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