28 | Red Velvet

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"She's on the second floor in room 218," the lady behind the desk told me.

"Thank you," I smiled. Zoe, Drake, Spencer, Matt and I decided to visit Alex today. When we got to her room, I knocked on the door and quietly walked in.

"Hey! How are you feeling?"

"I've been better," Alex somewhat smiled.

"We brought you flowers, balloons and Matt even brought you a cupcake," Spencer put a vase of flowers on Alex's bedside table.

"No I didn't," Matt furiously shook his head.

"Yes you did. I even paid for it," Zoe pulled the little box out of his hands. "It's empty."

"It's okay I don't like strawberry's anyways," Alex said noticing the strawberry Matt left in the container.

"Is there anything we can do to help you?" Drake asked while sitting on the bed.

"Well there's one thing.."

"Go on," I urged her.

"Get me out of here it's soooo boring,"


Does everyone have a special place that they go to when they need to empty their mind or is it just me?

I like to take a walk down to the beach, sit in the sand and watch the waves go in and out. Looking up to the sky, I can see the moon and only a few stars out tonight. It's currently eleven forty-eight at night and it's getting a little chilly out. I decided to get up and head back to my house before it got any colder.

As I was turning the corner, a car was slowing down next to me. My first instinct was to move away, but then I realized it was Matt.

"Want to come to the drug store with me?"

"Sure," I mean I had nothing else todo.

"Why are we going to the drug store again?"

"Because I ran out of toilet paper," Matt's face turned pink as he tried to look away from me.

What a dork.

"No I only use two ply," Matt took the toilet paper out of my hand and put it back on the shelf.

"So this-"

"Give me the money!"

Matt and I looked at each other before quietly placing the toilet paper back on the shelf; and poked our heads out of the isle to see what was going on. There was a person dressed in black with a ski mask over their face and a pocket knife in hand.

"I said give. me. the. money!" He screamed.

"I-I-I," the cashier stuttered.

The guy was very short tempered and started to climb over the desk. I was about to gasp, but Matt covered my mouth with his hand. Then out of no where the police ran into the little shop and pulled the man to the ground.

"Well this trip went from zero to one-hundred real quick. What do you think Matt?" I looked behind me only to see I was standing alone. "Matt?"

"Jessica!" I turned around and saw Matt being handcuffed. "No wait I'm innocent! Please I'm just a kid who needs some two ply," Matt pleaded his case while being held against the counter.

"He's telling the truth, we had nothing todo with the failed robbery," I said.

"Are you two friends?"

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