42 | Plane Ticket

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'I can't believe Matt is going to New York,' and 'Did you hear that Matt Espinosa has an audition for a movie in New York,' was all I heard in the hallways for the last two weeks, word spreads around quickly. It's Wednesday and Matt and I leave for New York on Sunday. We want to have a few days to explore the city before he goes in for his first audition. We're both glad that we have two weeks in March for spring vacation or else his audition may not have been able to happen.

"Do you want to go the mall," Zoe asks.

"Yeah, I'm pretty bored," I say and we leave her house.


"I'll have a hot chocolate please," I tell the barista at Starbucks my order.

"I think you're the only person who never grew into liking coffee," Zoe pays the lady.

"Isn't that a good thing," I laugh.

"Small hot chocolate for Jessica?"

I was over and grab my hot chocolate before sighing at the name scribbled across the red holiday cup, Jessaka.

"Look," I show Zoe my cup before she stifles a laugh herself.

"Cute spelling Jess-a-ka," she pronounces it like the barista wrote it.

"You're lucky, no one can mess up Zoe."

"Exactly," she shows me her cup with Zoe spelt correctly. "Let's go," she says before tripping over her untied shoe lace. Her coffee flies out of her hand and spills onto none other than, Megan Mahoney.

A ear piercing scream erupts from Megan's mouth before uttering the words, "you dumb piece of crap."

"Sorry Megan," Zoe says with the most sarcastic tone I've heard in a while.

"You idiot, this dress is an original! And my hair! You'll pay for this Price, and you too Jessica," she roars before stomping away drenched in coffee.

By this point the mall is silent and the only noise you can hear is Megan's heels on the tile floor.

"Can I please have a new coffee?"


"I can't describe how angry she was," I tell Alex while laughing.

"She deserves it," Zoe scoffed.

"Do you think she's being serious about payback," Alex asked.

"Well knowing Megan, the outcome is unpredictable."

"She probably said that just to make us paranoid."

"You're probably right, so what do you want to do now?" Vacation can be boring if you aren't traveling.

"Definitely not the mall," Alex jokes.

"What are the guys up to," Zoe asks.

"Not sure, I'll ask Matt," I turn on my phone and text him.

Jessica: u doing anything rn?

Matthew: Spencer and I are going to Pinkberry. Want me to get u anything?

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