06 | Dinner Guests

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"Jess can you go let them in please? I need to put the food on the table" my mom said.

"Ok" I went to the front door. "Good evening my name's Jessica" I smiled.

"Why hello Jessica I've heard a lot about you" Mrs. Espinosa said.

"Mom!" Matt whisper-yelled at his mother.

"I'm Kayla and this is my husband Rafeal" we shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you, please come in my mother is just adding the finishing touches to tonight's meal" I smiled and let them in.

"Matty you could learn a thing or two about manners from her" matts mother said before walking into the house.

"Come on in Matty" I laughed which earned a playful glare, but his whole attitude changed when he saw my house.

"Woah this place is huge" he looked around.

"Haha thanks" I said awkwardly. After that it was silent so we just went into the dining room. For dinner my mother made steak, onion rings and an assortment of vegetables, I couldn't wait to get started, it just all looked so good.

(A/N: I love food okay bye)


My mother and Matthew's parents were talking to each other while I was bored out of my mind and I could tell Matt was too because he was playing with a carrot on his plate.

"Why don't you two go upstairs?" My mother offered seeing how bored we were. I nodded and took my plate and Matt's plate to the sink before bringing him upstairs.

"This place is huge" he kept looking around.

"You already said that, but It gets lonely sometimes" I frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"My mom works all day and most of the night so I usually have this place to myself a lot" I said and Matt just nodded still in awe. When we entered my room Matt looked around and noticed how every single thing had its own place, you could say I'm a neat freak.

"So do you like clean your room everyday and if anything got misplaced you would put it back right away?" He asked.

"Kinda, why?" I asked, but I got a smirk in return.

"Matt I swear-"

"swearing isn't nice for a pretty little girl like you" he interrupted and walked over to my nicely made bed. Before I could stop him he pushed the pillows everywhere and then jumped on my bed. I bend down to grab the pillows while Matt just sat there with an entertained look on his face.

"I would have picked those up for you" he laughed.

"Sure you would have" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I'm thirsty, do you have anything to drink?" He asked.

"Do you want some tea?"

"Sure" he got off my bed and followed me down the stairs.

"What kind?" I showed him some boxes.

"The vanilla one" I gave him a cup and started to brew some water.

"Ok here's your mug I'll be right back" I said, grabbing a mug for myself.


"How's the tea?"

"I don't know if I did it right" he scratched the back of his head.

"what do you mean- you cut the tea bag open didn't you."

"Isn't that what you're suppose to do?" Matt was utterly confused.

"No, here let me help" I laughed. I dumped the tea out, poured water into a new mug and got a new tea bag.

"Here you put the tea in the mug and just let it rest for a few minutes" I made him hold the tea bag while my hand laid gently on top of his guiding him through the steps.

"Don't you dunk it up and down like this?" He kept bobbing his hand up and down.

"No just leave it alone" I laughed at his curiosity. He leaned his head on my shoulder and I don't know about him, but it was awkward for me.

"I'll meet you upstairs let me just make my tea" I tried to get him off.

"Ok" he made his way some what upstairs, but then came back.

"Thanks for the tea making lesson, but I knew how to make tea, I just wanted an excuse to do that" he said and then left me standing there like it was nothing.

Clever boy.


Ok guys so tomorrow I'm starting at a new school. Yes I'm transferring during the middle of the year, if I didn't make this change it would just keep going downhill from there.

Why am I telling you this? Well when I took a look around the new school I noticed that they are much further ahead in academics than my school was so I will need tutoring and there for I won't update as much as I usually do for most of January due to tutoring, homework, after school activities, and just getting settled in, in general.

Please understand I love you all, but don't worry I will try extremely hard to update at least once a week, but if I don't please be patient. I really want to continue updating this book regularly, but school comes first :) thank you for hopefully understanding!

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