three ~ familiar faces

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Madelyn and Marinette woke up at 6am. They started their day by going downstairs to their Auntie and Uncle's bakery and getting some croissants for breakfast. They went upstairs and ate their breakfast while watching some tv. After they ate they went upstairs to Marinette's room and they got ready for school. Marinette wore a pink skirt,white crop top, a denim jacket and a pair of black converse high tops and Madelyn wore a pink jumper, some ripped jeans, a white puffer jacket and a white pair of converse high tops. The girls both wore their hair down. After getting ready it was 7:30 so they said goodbye to their Auntie and Uncle before walking to school.

Madelyn and Marinette met up with Nino on the way to school and they were going to meet Chloe there. They spoke in Chinese so nobody could understand them, or so they thought. "I can't wait to see what your schools been like!" Madelyn said "It's not the same as Ni Royale but it's good enough" Nino said. They waited outside the school until Chloe arrived and went over to them "Hey guys! How was your first night in Paris Madi?" Chloe asked "It was great! Me and Mari talked about everything that's been happening over the past 3 years" Madelyn said "Oh so I guess you heard about everything Lila did hmm?" Chloe asked. Before Madelyn could answer someone walked over to them "Ugh looks like Mari-Brat has a new friend. I wonder if she's gonna bully her too" Alya said "Excuse me, I'm Madelyn. I'm here from China and I'm in charge of the trip so if I were you I would stop calling Marinette a brat and I would shut the f*ck up and go away from us!" Madelyn said which left everyone shook. Alya and Lila quickly hurried away from them. "Dang Madi who knew you were such a rebel!!" Nino said "Nobody ever gets away with calling my big sis a brat!!" Madelyn said "Anyways let's get to class! I don't want to be late on the first day.

The students went to class as usual. Madelyn was talking to Ms Bustier outside the classroom. After a few minutes Ms Bustier and Madelyn walked into the classroom "Students meet Madelyn! She will be our trip supervisor and she will be staying with us for a few days before we go on our trip!" Ms Bustier said "Hey everyone! I'm so excited to spend these next few days here. I will be coming along with you all on your trip and I will be your tour guide so if you have any questions ask away!" Madelyn said. Rose raised her hand "Do you know the Royal Family?" she asked "Well in fact I do! The Princess has actually been in hiding these past few years and has been living under a new identity but I'm actually one of her closest friends! I'm also very close friends with some of the Lady Royals!" Madelyn said. Marinette and Chloe couldn't help but giggle, this drew the classes attention to them. Alya raised her hand and said "My best friend here Lila is actually the Princesses best friend! She has stayed at the palace multiple times and she is the Lady In Waiting!" Alya said "Oh well I'm sorry to inform you but I have never seen your friend Lila at the palace which is quite funny considering I'm the Princesses sister and she's been living somewhere else these past 3 years. The Lady In Waiting is also the my cousin who is not your friend Lila so your friend here is a liar." Madelyn said. The whole class wnet shocked and Marinette, Chloe and Nino started to laugh. "I told you a
all nobody gets away with calling my sister a brat" Madelyn said in Chinese "Dang Madi you really exposed her" Marinette said. Adrien heard all of his and he was even more confused now.

At lunch everyone was surrounding Madelyn and asking her questions about the Royal Family. "How do you know the Royal Family?" Alya asked "I'm the King and Queens daughter so technically I am the Royal Family!" Madelyn replied before walking over to Marinette, Nino and Chloe and sitting at their table. "Oh my god these idiots are so clueless and they still believe that liar! They won't stop asking me questions and they won't leave me alone!" Madelyn groaned. Before they knew it the whole class was gathered around them and were asking Madelyn more questions "Why are you hanging around these losers?" Lila said, Madelyn stood up and walked over to Lila "Excuse me but your speaking to Royalty right now. Not a single person ever speaks about them like that. I suggest you leave before I ban you form going on the trip." Madelyn said "How could you be so rude to her? Your hanging around with these losers when your Royalty! Lila is the Princesses best friend and I'm sure she wouldn't like to hear that her sister was hurting her best friend!" Alya said. Madelyn just laughed at how dumb she was before turning her back and walking away and back to her table. They were all talking and having fun until a blonde haired girl walked over to them, she was a familiar face but Marinette couldn't figure out who it was until the blonde girl Chloe on the shoulder, she "Hey Sis! I missed you" The blonde haired girl said "COCO OMG IS THAT YOU!!" Chloe said while jumping up and giving the girl a hug "Yes it's me! Madelyn called and told me that she was going to be staying here so I figured she would need a bit of help keeping you three well behaved on the trip!" Coco said "Hey Coco!" Marinette said "Well if it isn't her majesty herself, I heard about your coron-" Chloe took her hand and placed it over Coco's mouth before she could finish "Shh nobody here knows, we are keeping a secret until the you know what..." Marinette said.

After lunch everyone went back to class and everyone looked at Coco in confusion when she walked into the classroom "Oh my god I forgot to introduce myself! Anyways I'm Coco and I'm here to help my cousin Madelyn with you all on the trip! If you have any questions about the Royal Family feel free to ask since I'm the princesses cousin and the Lady In Waiting's sister!" Coco said while winking at Marinette and Chloe. Adrien saw her winking at Chloe and Marinette which he thought was weird but he just ignored it.

After school Lila and Alya walked up to Madelyn and Coco "Hey girls, so uh basically me and Alya were wondering if you could maybe upgrade our tickets and accommodation on the trip since me and the princess are like best friends!" Lila said with her puppy dog eyes "Hmm let me think about that... no! Your definitely not best friends with the princess, you just a liar and a manipulative bully!!" Coco said "What! Your both the liars here not me! Just you wait until the princess hears about this!," Lila said before storming off with Alya. A few minutes later Marinette, Chloe and Nino walked out of the school. Madelyn and Coco explained what happened and the trio just laughed because they couldn't believe that people still believed Lila. After a few more minutes of talking everyone went home.

hey everyone!
so this is the longest chapter (1259 words!)
anyways i hope you all enjoy this chapter!
i appreciate all of the reads <3
bug out ;)

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