fifteen ~ reunion

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The students all went back to Paris the next day and nothing was ever the same. Lila Rossi was expelled and she went back to Italy to live with her grandparents. The class was never the same, it was different without Marinette, Chloe and Nino.

In China, Marinetta and Camilla lived up to their promise and they introduced many new laws and rules. They helped so many children who were being bullied or abused thanks to their support helpline. They opened up new schools and they also donated lots of money to charities. Marinetta and Caleb got married. Camilla was dating a Prince Jacob of Japan. Ninio was dating Princess Isabelle of England and they were both really happy.

a few year time skip :)

"Mari are you sure you want to go back there for this reunion, I mean they bullied you!" Camilla said "Yes, it's a high school reunion and I want to see what's happened during these past few years, and if things go south we have our powers remember." Marinetta replied "Fine but if Cesaire or Agreste do anything you need to let me kill them Mari!"

The 2 girls had arrived in Paris a few days prior. They got into their limo and drove to Françoise Dupont. Once they arrived they got out of limo and walked into the school.

Nobody had expected they were going to show up. "Long time since we've been here!" Marinetta said "Yeah, it's totally different. I wonder where our dumb classmates are." Camilla replied.

Adrien and Alya were sitting at their table when they saw Marinette and Chloe walk in. "Oh my god, they're back." Alya said "Who?" Adrien replied, he turned his head and looked at the door. There was Marinette and Chloe "Oh my god, I didn't think they were going to show up!" Adrien said. After all these years he still felt so guilty about the whole Lila incident.

Marinetta and Camilla went over to Alix and Kim. Alix never really believed Lila's lies and 2 years ago Marinetta forgave her and Kim. Kim was now an olympian swimmer and he now teaches children how to swim and Alix is a champion roller blader and she has taken part in and won many tournaments. Alix and Kim have been dating for a few years now.

"Hey Alix! Hey Kim! How are you both doing?" Marinetta asked "We're both doing great! The swimming pool is doing better than ever. We got sponsored by Mayor Bourgeois and we were able to get more swimming teachers!" Kim replied "How's everything over in China?" Alix asked "Well it's been amazing. We have helped so many children thanks to our new bullying policies and support helplines. Me and Caleb are still dating so things are great!" Marinetta replied. The group talked for a while until someone tapped on Marinetta's shoulder, Adrien.

"Marinette please listen to me, me and Alya are so so sorry and we are really hoping you could forgive us. Not a day goes by that we don't regret what we did and we really hope we can put this all behind us..." Adrien said "First of all my name is Marinetta, Marinette was my fake name. Second of all, if your so sorry then why did you stand by and watch Lila bully me for 3 months? If you were that sorry then you would've done something but you didn't. You stood and watched me get abused by people who I had once considered my friends. So no your not forgiven." Marinetta replied before turning her back and going back to talking with Camilla, Alix and Kim.

Adrien and Alya walked away from them, they both felt their heart break "I guess we really lost her..." Alya said.


hey everyone!
so that's the end of the book!
i hope you all enjoyed it <3
thank you to anyone who read my book, voted or commented on it, it really means a lot to me <3
new book will be coming soon!!
anyways for the last time,
bug out ;)

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