twelve ~ coronation day part 1

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Marinette woke up early, it was her coronation day. She felt a wave of emotions, she felt like Anna in Frozen!

She went downstairs and got some breakfast. Her parents were already getting stuff ready for the coronation. She had pancakes, fruit and coffee. She ate her breakfast before going back up to her room to start getting ready. The coronation starts at 2pm and it was currently 9am. Her hairstylist came first and curled her hair. She pinned her hair into
curls which would be taken out before the coronation. Everyone in China was excited for the coronation since they knew the Princess was kind and would be a good ruler.

Meanwhile at the hotel the students were also getting ready for the coronation. They were all so excited to finally see the Princesses real identity. They all still felt a bit guilty about everything with Marinette and they were hoping to see her and apologize. Everyone had gone to the mall a few days ago and everyone had picked their dresses for the coronation. All of the girls were getting ready together and the boys were getting ready together too.

Marinette and Chloe were getting ready at the palace. They were getting their makeup done "So how are you feeling Mari?" Chloe asked "If I'm being honest I'm really nervous, like really nervous!" Marinette replied "Don't be! Your going to be the best Queen that China has ever had, trust me!" Chloe replied "Well your going to be the best Lady In Waiting too and I couldn't ask for a better person to go through this crazy journey with me." Marinette said "Awh Mari your making me upset and I already got my mascara done!!" Chloe replied which made Marinette giggle. Once the girls were finished getting their makeup done Marinette went to her room and she put her dress on.

"Excuse me your Majesty but you look extremely pretty in that dress

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"Excuse me your Majesty but you look extremely pretty in that dress." her maid said "Thank you Miss" Marinette replied. She has come so far in these past few years and she's gone through so much and now she's going to be crowned Queen of China. She went into her walk in wardrobe and picked out her crown and her heels. She picked out a silver crown with red diamonds and a pair of red heels. She looked beautiful.

Maisie, Arabella and Ellie were also getting ready in Maisie's room "How do you think Mari will be as Queen Mais?" Ellie asked "I know she's going to do great. She's my biggest inspiration, she is kind to everyone and she would never hurt anyone." Maisie replied. The 3 girls were getting their hair done by their hairstylists. Chloe barged into their room "Girls I'm having a fashion emergency!" Chloe shrieked "I can't decide if I should wear the yellow glitter heels or the white glitter heels!" the 3 girls just rolled their eyes at Chloe's drama tantrum "Go for the yellow ones, they match your dress better." Arabella said "Thank you so mcuh Sis! My fashion crisis is gone!" Chloe said before storming out of the room.

In Marinette's room she was working on her speech. She was going to need to make a speech for the citizens once she was declared Queen. She also thought about what she was going to do about her class "What if they try apologize? Should I forgive them or not, I mean they did cause me a lot of pain but..." she thought. There was a knock on the door "Your majesty you have 20 minutes until the coronation" her maid said "Thank you for reminding me Miss." Marinette replied. She went and unpinned her hair and it flowed down. It looked beautiful and she really liked how it looked.

Meanwhile the class was on their way to the palace in one of the Princesses limos. Everyone was so excited "Where is Marinette, Chloe and Nino?" Alya asked "Yeah we haven't seen them in a few days, it's almost as if they are hiding something from us." Mylene replied "I still feel so guilty about everything with Marinette. I can't believe I fell for Lila's lies and betrayed my best friend. Once I see her at the coronation I'm gonna apologize." Alya said "Me too, I feel so bad for telling her to take the high road, Marinette was right..." Adrien said "Wait you knew Lila was lying?" Alya asked "Yeah but I told Marinette to take the high road since Lila wasn't hurting anyone-" he was cut off before he could finish "Adrien we did so many horrible things to Marinette and you knew Lila was lying but didn't say anything?" Alya said. She was boiling with anger, Adrien watched the class beat up Marinette but didn't say anything.

The rest of the limo ride was awkward after that. Everyone was very angry at Adrien since he knew Lila was lying but didn't say anything. They bullied Marinette, an innocent girl who they all once loved.

Once they arrived at the palace they all went and took their seats. The King and Queen came out "Hello everyone. We are gathered here today for our daughter's coronation. First of all we will introduce the princesses. Here are Princess Maisie and Princess Madelyn!" King Archie says, Madelyn and Maisie down the grand stairs "Now I will introduce the Lady Royals. Here are Lady Arabella, Lady Ellie and Lady Coco!" King Archie said, Coco, Arabella and Ellie came down the stairs and stood beside Madelyn and Maisie. Everyone was clapping and cheering. "Now may I please introduce your new Lady In Waiting Princess Camilla!" King Archie said, Chloe walked down the stairs and her classmates were shocked. They all thought the same thing,
Chloe is a Princess?

hey everyone!
i'm so sorry for not updating yesterday i was sick but i'm back now :)
sorry for the cliffhanger lol
anyways i hope your all having a good day/night
the new season 4 trailer broke my heart bc i feel so bad for mari ;(
anyways tysm for 600+ reads like what!!
i appreciate every single one of you who read my stories <3
bug out ;)

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