nine ~ the palace

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The students of Françoise Dupont arrived at the palace. They all couldn't believe how beautiful it was, it was breathtaking. Suddenly a pink limo pulled up and out of it stood Marinette, Chloe and Nino, a short man walked over and took the keys from Marinette and drove the car away somewhere. The trio walked over to where their class where and whispered something to Ms Bustier before running into the palace. Alya was very confused "Lila aren't you the Princesses best friend? Why are them brats going in before you?" Alya asked, Lila didn't know and she wasn't sure how she was gonna lie her way out of this but before she could a man walked up to the class "Hello everyone my name is Eric and I will be your classes tour of the palace today! I have been working here at the palace for 15 years now and I am one of the Princesses bodyguards so if you want to know anything about her majesty feel free to ask!" he said "Our friend Lila is best friends with the Princess!!" Rose squealed, Lila felt rage burning through her "Seriously Rose!! This could ruin my whole plan!!!" Lila thought "Well which one of you are Ms Lila because if I'm aware the Princesses only friends are Ms Chloe and Sir Nino?" Eric replied, Lila stepped forward "Hello Sir..." she said with her head down "Hmm I have been warned about you, you have been ruining the life of one of the Princesses dearest friends and that shall not be tolerated here so Ms Lila I would like you to explain the truth to all of your classmates this instant!" Eric said with a cold tone "I didn't lie about anything! I am friends with the Princess! I bet Mari-Trash hired him to try and expose me!! I lived her at the palace so just wait until the Royals hear about this!" Lila fake cried.

Meanwhile inside the palace Chloe, Marinette and Nino were patiently waiting for their parents to arrive downstairs. Suddenly their parents came down the grand stairways "Mom!! Dad!!" the three children yelled while running to give their parents a hug "Hell Marinetta we have missed you" King Archie said. Marinette, Chloe and Nino explained the whole Lila situation to their parents "So Miss Rossi is pretending to be the Princesses friend and she bullies you?" Queen Arielle asked "Yes Mother and she's turned everyone against us 3" Marinette replied "Well is she attending with your class here today?" Lady Claudia asked "Yes and I wouldn't be surprised if she pulled a stunt here today!" Chloe replied "Well when we go to greet your class then I will have a word with your class about Ms Rossi because nobody ever threatens my daughter!" King Archie demanded. Chloe, Nino and Marinette went to the grand stairway where they would greet their class.

The students of Françoise Dupont walked into the palace. It was even more mesmerizing and beautiful on the inside "Wow Lila you really lived here?" Sabrina asked "Well yes but I mean it's nothing it's like my second home!" Lila replied, Marinette and Chloe just scoffed since Lila had never stepped foot in the palace! Suddenly the King and Queen walked down the stairs "Hello, I am presuming you are the students of Françoise Dupont?" King Archie asked "Yes your majesty, my name Caline Bustier and I am the teacher of the class." Ms Bustier said "Excuse me your highness but where is the Princess?" Alya asked "The Princess is unable to attend today since she is keeping her identity a secret until the coronation on Saturday." King Archie replied "Now does anyone have any questions before the tour because me and the Queen have important matters to tend to?" he said. The students asked many questions about the Princess and Marinette just got bored, these were the people who bullied her, beat her up, made her cry for nights on end, put her into hospital and they were now praising her secret self? "Excuse me but which one of you are Miss Lila Rossi?" Queen Arielle asked, Lila stepped forward and raised her hand "It has come to our attention that Miss Rossi has been pretending to be best friends with our daughter and we are confirming that is not true. It has also come to our attention that you have been bullying one of your classmates who is a dear friend of the Princess so therefore that behavior shall not be tolerated. You are therefore banned from this palace and will never be allowed to return here!" King Archie demanded. Suddenly 2 men dressed in black suits came over and escorted Lila out of the palace, Marinette couldn't help but giggle. "Now you shall get on with your tour and I am looking forward to seeing you all at the coronation. Goodbye!" Queen Arielle said before walking off.

The class first went on a tour of the palaces archives. This was where the history of the Chinese Royal Empire. Marinette forgot there were many paintings of her, Chloe and Nino as kids on the walls "Uh doesn't that photo look a bit like Marinette?" Alix asked "Huh? That looks nothing like me!!" Marinette responded. The class was led into the crown room where the crown was, it was beautiful and it was soon to be Marinettes.

The class spent a few more hours touring the palace before returning to the hotel. Marinette, Chloe and Nino were staying at the palace. Marinette was so happy to be back in her childhood room. Her whole family had dinner together and it was just like old times and they were all so happy.

hey everyone!
i hope u enjoy this chapter :)
lila isn't gonna be gone for long ;)
anyways i hope your all having a good monday!
the next chapter is gonna be the day before the coronation because i don't want to have too many chapters filled with boring stuff and i have 10 new book ideas!!
i'm gonna get started on the next chapter so yeah!
bug out ;)

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