fourteen ~ too late

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The students of Françoise Dupont went back to the hotel. They all felt so upset about the whole Lila and Marinette situation. Lila had turned everyone against Marinette, the girl who was kind, the girl who was friends with everyone, the girl who would never lay a finger on anyone, the girl who would always be there for anyone who needed help, their everyday Ladybug. It was too late, they had already lost her respect and friendship.

Marinette however was in a good mood, it was her first day as Queen! She was going to start taking on her duties as Queen. She was planning on going to her old school, Ni Royale and she was going to introduce her new bullying helpline and her new bullying policies. She got ready and met up with Camilla downstairs. The 2 girls went out to their limo and drove to the school.

Once they got to the school they were greeted by the principal. Marinetta went into the school hall and stood up at the podium to make her announcement, it was also being broadcasted live and her old classmates were watching it.

"Hello everyone, I'm making this announcement because I am going to be introducing new bullying policies and a law which means a bully can be sent to juvenile detention centers. I have been a victim of bullying and I was bullied by people who I had considered my friends. I was almost at my breaking point and I was close to ending it all and I want nobody to ever go through what I have gone through. If you are a victim of bullying you are not alone, it might seem like your world is crumbling in but there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will get your justice. This is just one the many things I will be doing as Queen and I want to assure you all that Princess Camilla and I will do everything in our power to make China a better place. Thank you."

She took a step down off the podium and there was instantly a huge round of applause. Camilla whispered to her "Wow Mari that was great!" Marinetta just smiled, she spoke from her heart.

After a long day of press conferences and interviews Marinetta and Camilla were going to the hotel to say goodbye to her classmates since they were going back to Paris. They were nervous about what was going to happen but they remained calm.

Once they arrived at the hotel they went inside and they were greeted by Ms Bustier "Your highness I am truly sorry about everything that happened back in Paris and I really hope you can leave it in the past and forgive your classmates, please be the bigger person in this situation." Ms Bustier said which made Marinetta and Camilla scoff "Leave it in the past? I was abused and bullied by these people, I was stabbed by them, I was sent to hospital 12 times and I didn't sleep at night for 3 months because of these people and I'm expected to leave it in the past? You knew Lila Rossi was lying and you did nothing about it, and so did you Agreste and you both told me the same thing 'take the high road' but I still got accused of stuff. If your all here to apologize it's too late now so we'll be on our way." Marinetta said before walking out of the hotel lobby.

It was too late she was already gone.

hey everyone!!
one more chapter left :(
i have some new book ideas so make sure to stay tuned for them!
i hope your all having a good day/night and are staying safe during the pandemic <3
anyways i'm gonna get started on the next chapter!
bug out ;)

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