Chapter 2

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"You're not just taking this job because he's hot, are you?"

Sariah rolls her eyes. She sat on the other side of the table as she'd gone out to lunch with her twin brother, Easton. Easton knew that Sariah was up for a new nannying job, as she'd informed him about it when she'd gone to his engagement party after meeting with Chris in person for the first time. Now that Sariah had met Nova and Chris officially selected Sariah for the job, Sariah made sure to catch her brother up on everything when she had the chance to. Easton had the same dark hair and eyes as his twin sister, and his eyes lit up as Sariah told him about Chris.

"No. I'm taking this job because it's literally my career."

"Okay, but is he hot?" Easton asks.

"I don't know."

"That means 'yes'. What does he go by again? Chris Motionless?"


Easton pulls out his phone and immediately goes to Google. A moment later, his jaw completely falls open.

"Holy cheekbones, Batman."

Sariah laughs, having expected her brother to have that sort of reaction.

"Oh my God, Sariah, look at him! Is he straight?"

"I'm pretty sure."

Easton sits back in the booth and huffs, "Damn."

"You're engaged!"

"Hey, I can look at the menu even if I don't plan on ordering." Easton returns his attention to his phone, "Oooh, we love a straight man that's not afraid to wear fishnets. Good for him. I like him."

"You like every dad I work for."

"Yes, but this one wears skirts. Oof, I cannot wait to gossip to Jason about this."

Jason was Easton's now fiancé, and Sariah couldn't help but laugh at the idea of Easton and Jason oogling over pictures of Chris in a skirt.

"So you're officially leaving me this weekend?" Easton continues.

While Sariah was in between families, she usually stayed with Easton until she found her next job.

"I'm afraid so."

"Well, with having you as a nanny, Nova is gonna be the luckiest little girl in the whole entire world."

Sariah smiles, "Thank you."

"Of course! So, tell me more about it."

"Well, the house is really nice, and the position pays well - "

"Oooh, going down the sugar daddy route, I see."


Easton laughs, "Oh, you know I'm kidding. I guess I'm just kinda jealous that you're the one that gets to live with this cutie. I need to do some more research." Easton pulls out his phone again.

"What are you talking about?"

"I wanna make sure you're not gonna be living with a creep. Have you Googled him at all?"

"Of course I have."

"Have you listened to any of his music?"

"Yeah, I watched the first handful of videos that came up on YouTube."

"Do you know if he writes the music?"

"Yeah, he writes almost all of it."

"Does he write the lyrics?"

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