Chapter 18 (Explicit Content)

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That night.

Sariah releases her hair from its ponytail and runs her fingers through it, letting out a deep sigh. Overall, it had been a good day. Nova thoroughly enjoyed her birthday and spending time with her family, and it made Chris happy to see Nova happy. It obviously made Sariah happy too, but she had so many things on her mind that it was hard to focus on that.

After putting Nova to bed, Chris walks into the bedroom and shuts the door behind him. He smiles to Sariah.

"God, you're beautiful."

Sariah smiles in return and walks up to him, "You're in an awfully good mood."

"Today was just such a good day," Chris says, "Nova was so sad on her last birthday, so the fact that she smiled and laughed and played and was just...a normal six-year-old girl, makes me so happy."

Sariah nods, "I guess it's true that time really does heal all wounds. She's incredibly resilient."

"A lot has changed in her world this past year and a half, I'm just happy it hasn't overwhelmed her too much. You make her so happy though, and I'm so thankful for you."

Chris puts his hands on Sariah's hips and kisses her forehead. Sariah offers a small smile.

"Of course, Chris, I'd do anything for her. I'm happy that I have such a good relationship with Nova, and that she's okay with us being a couple, and that everything has gone as well as it has," She says, "And I really enjoyed meeting your family today too. Everyone was really nice."

"I told you they would love you."

Sariah nods, but her smile slowly fades, and Chris could tell that she had a lot on her mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Chris asks, "You seem like you've been kind of off today."

Sariah pauses, then remembers what Chris had said to her the other day about wanting her to talk to him whenever she was having doubts or fears about their relationship. So she sighs, then finally says:

"I just worry about us sometimes."

"What do you mean?" Chris asks.

"I mean...This has all been so wonderful. You and Nova have made me so happy, but I just...If this relationship doesn't work out - I mean, I don't want you to think that I'm using you or anything like that, but God, I'd be out of a job, out of a place to live - "

"Hey, hey, where is all this coming from?"

"The part of me that resisted the urge to kiss you from August until December," Sariah says, "I want this, us, to work out because I love being with you, but...I'm just putting a lot on the line here, you know?"

Chris nods, understanding, but tries to comfort her, "I completely understand where you're coming from, Riah, but...You've gotta know, I've wanted this for so long. It took me such a long time to show that I had feelings for you because I had all the same fears that you do right now, but I think I've been in love with you since you first came home from one of Easton's drag shows and we just sat downstairs and talked about books, and - "

"Wait," Sariah says, her face falling and eyes widening, "In love?"

Chris pauses, words suddenly caught in his throat. Sariah takes a small step back, her eyes becoming glossy as if she were holding back tears.

"You love me?" She asks, her voice cracking.

Chris purses his lips, then takes one of Sariah's hands and squeezes it before offering her a small smile.

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