Chapter 6 (Trigger Warning)

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Trigger Warning: SPOILER - the story of the accident is told in this chapter which may be triggering to some.

That night.

It warmed Sariah's heart to see what an honestly amazing father Chris was.

Nova clearly adored Chris, but it was obvious that he adored her too. Watching them play together, or even just have a conversation, made Sariah like Chris that much more. As a friend. Sariah passes by Nova's bedroom as Chris puts her to bed, and overhears their conversation before Nova goes to sleep.

"Daddy, do you think there's any monsters under my bed?"

Chris chuckles, "Nope, but even if there were, they'd have to go through me first."

"What would you do?"

"Kick their butt, obviously."

Sariah smiles, then walks back into her room and changes into sweats for the night. She and Chris hadn't had the chance to talk much about their interaction earlier, and Sariah questioned if it was even worth bringing up, but Easton had been right when he'd suggested that Sariah should try to open up to Chris more. They were friends, after all; what could it hurt?

A while after Chris had put Nova to sleep, Sariah makes her way out of her room. It looked like all of the lights had been turned off downstairs, but she sees Chris's bedroom door open with the light on. Sariah takes a deep breath, then slowly makes her way down the hall and to his room.

Chris simply lay on top of the covers, looking at his phone, but he looks up when he sees Sariah standing in the doorway. He sees her cochlear is back in, so he speaks.

"Hey," He says.

"Oh my God, you're so goth."

The entire bedroom was black; the walls, the carpet, the bed, the curtains, the decorations - and the bookshelf, which was in the shape of a coffin.

Chris smiles, "Thank you," He says, "You ready to talk now?"

"How'd you know I was gonna come to you?"

"You may have graduated with highest distinction, but I know a thing or two about psychology."

Sariah smiles as well, then walks over to the bed and sits down next to Chris. She pauses a moment, unsure of where to start.

"Thank you for being such a good friend to me," She says, "I'm sorry if I come off as standoff-ish sometimes, I don't mean to be. I guess I'm just not used to working with someone who's close to my age that I would even have the potential to be friends with."

"Do you usually work with older families?"

"Usually rich dads in their mid-to-late-fifties with a baby mama and/or girlfriend in their early twenties."


Sariah laughs, and Chris does too at trying to picture some of the fiascos Sariah must have endured with her past families. After a minute though, Chris softens and tries to get serious.

"Um...I'm really sorry about your parents."

Sariah nods, "It's okay. My dad was really...toxic. I don't need that in my life, and neither does Easton."

"You're right. Easton is lucky to have you."

"He's a whole five minutes younger than me - it's my job to protect my baby brother."

Chris chuckles, "Totally."

"My mom wouldn't have been upset about him being gay," Sariah says, "She really...treasured us."

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