Chapter 13

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"Okay, hit me with all of your obnoxious opinions."

Jason and Easton glance at each other, then look back to Sariah.

"Okay, I'll go first," Easton says.

It was Christmas morning, and Sariah had gone to Jason and Easton's house to continue their over a decade long tradition of the three of them spending Christmas together. Sariah hasn't seen Jason and Easton in person since their Christmas party, after which Sariah had finally kissed Chris.

"How much of their music have you listened to?" Easton asks.

"Definitely not enough, especially now that he and I are kind of a thing. I've listened to a lot of it, but probably not all of it. They've just been around for so long," Sariah says.

"Okay, well I'm going to text you four specific songs that you need to listen to while reading the lyrics. I'm serious, it's important."

Easton pulls out his phone, then a moment later, Sariah's phone buzzes.

The text message reads: Wasp, Rats, Synthetic Love, Hatefuck

"Are these dirty?" Sariah gives them a deadpanned look.

"Hey, you're the one sticking your tongue down his throat. You should have an idea of what's going on in his head," Jason says.

"The one on his shoulders and the one between his legs," Easton adds.

"You are horrible."

"You won't be thinking that when you listen to those songs," Jason snickers.

Sariah just rolls her eyes.

"And you're not telling Nova that the two of you are together?" Easton asks.

"No, not now. Maybe if things get more serious, we will, but we don't want to confuse her right now."

"How is this gonna work with you two living together?" Jason asks.

"We agreed to just communicate with each other; tell each other if we need space or time alone, you know? We're adults, so we're going to act like it."

"Are you guys sleeping in the same room?" Easton asks.

Sariah's cheeks turn pink, "Yeah...We just love talking. We'll sit in bed and talk all night, until eventually we inevitably fall asleep."

"And you guys really haven't done know..." Jason says.

"We haven't even been together a week!"

"So? Jason and I had sex the first night we met."

"Thank you for blessing me with that image," Sariah retorts, sarcastically.

"So things have been pretty innocent with the two of you so far then?" Jason asks.

"Apart from the sexy conversation you two had in the kitchen a couple weeks ago?" Easton asks.

"Oooh, that's right, he knows you've got a past," Jason says.

Sariah rolls her eyes, "He also knows that I was raped in college and he was there when I came home from a bad date with a broken cochlear. When it comes to the sexy stuff, I'm pretty sure he's letting me take the reigns."

"Oooh, so the ball's in your court," Easton says, "Hmmmm, interesting, interesting."

"Maybe wait until Nova is back in school," Jason suggests, "When you guys have a whole day to yourselves."

"He's going back to New York to write once Nova is done with winter break."

Easton gasps, "That's perfect!"

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