Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: When referring to drag queens, I will be using she/her pronouns since that is typically what drag queens go by when in drag.

Also "italicized dialogue" = sign language

Easton gasps, "Shut the fuck up!"

Sariah nods, having just told Easton about hers and Chris's interesting interaction the other night.

Sariah and Easton currently stood in the dressing room of the club. Since Easton owned Dockside, all the other queens were used to him being in the dressing room, and since Sariah and Easton had each been hanging around that club for over fifteen years, none of them were phased by Sariah being in the dressing room either, and Sariah wasn't phased by them.

Easton hears a gasp from the other side of the room, "Is that Riah?"

"She doesn't have her cochlear!" Easton announces so that everyone knows.

One of the queens, Shauntel, walks over in only a thong, heels, and a full face of makeup on.

"Hi, beautiful!" She signs. Sariah's face lights up and the two of them hug for a moment before coming apart; Shauntel smirks.

"So, did I overhear you have a new man?" She asks.

Sariah rolls her eyes, "No, just some flirting."

"Check this guy out." Easton pulls out his phone and pulls up a picture of Chris. A couple of the other queens gather around and Sariah facepalms, but quickly looks up again so that she could read what everyone was saying.

Someone gasps, "Oh, hello cheekbones!"

"Is that a skirt?"

"I call dibs!"

"Ladies! He's straight," Easton announces.

"Aww..." Nearly all of them say in unison, disappointed.

"But he has nothing but love and respect for drag, and he will have a field day when I tell him this story," Sariah says.

"Well, listen, you have fun with him, okay? And we want every little detail." Shauntel winks, "Alright, I need to go put on my wig and my tits. Can you hand me that tape, babe?"

Sariah hands Shauntel the tape, the two of them blow kisses to each other, then Shauntel struts off.

"God, I love it here," Sariah smiles.

"So, what are you going to do about Chris?" Easton signs.

Sariah sighs, "I don't know."

"You don't think he's just trying to get in your pants, do you?"

"I mean, I know it sounds cliché, but he just seems so different from other guys, you know? He really is so sweet and so kind and genuine and...just slipped in a little bit of flirting too, I guess."

"Have you guys been flirty at all since?"


"Have things been awkward?"

"No. It's like it never happened."

"Hmmm..." Easton hums, "Well, maybe just...try to utilize some more opportunities to talk with him, get to know him, see what his motives are. Make an effort to go and spend a little while with him after Nova goes to bed at night."

Sariah thinks about this a moment, then nods, "Yeah, you're right. That's probably a good idea."

"Easton! Does my ass look big enough?" One of the girls calls.

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