Chapter 15 (Explicit Content)

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Throughout the rest of the week, many dirty messages typed with one hand were sent and received, and Sariah thought she would go crazy waiting to finally be able to have sex with Chris. There had admittedly been sexual tension between the two of them since they'd met, let alone now that they were something of an item. To finally, at long last get it out of their system, was something desperately needed.

Chris arrived home on a Wednesday afternoon while Nova was still at school. The moment Chris walked in through the front door, Sariah was leaning against the kitchen counter and the two of them smile when they see each other. Chris practically runs to Sariah and scoops her up, spinning her around. Sariah laughs, then Chris sets her down before gazing at her longingly.

"Fuck," He exhales before kissing her, happily. Sariah sets her hands on Chris's hips and giggles into the kiss.

"You have to go soon, you promised Nova you'd pick her up from school."

"Mmmm, five more minutes." Chris lifts Sariah up and sets her on the kitchen counter. He brings his hands into her hair. He was unsure if he should go near her cochlear, when Sariah removes it and sets it on the counter next to them.

"Fuck it. I like having my hair pulled."

Chris chuckles, then kisses Sariah again roughly. She wraps her legs around his torso as Chris lightly slips his tongue between her lips. Her strawberry lip gloss made her taste so sweet; Chris just couldn't get enough of her. Chris moves his hands down to Sariah's ass and pulls her to him so that she's pressed up against him. He grips her tightly before beginning to kiss and suck down her neck, lightly biting her as well. Sariah leans her head back and moans as he worked his magic on her. Sariah had no idea that Chris was so seductive...It was a great secret of his that Sariah was so happy to have uncovered.

"I am gonna make you feel so good this week," Chris mumbles against her lips.

"What?" Sariah asks, having taken off her cochlear.

"Oh." Chris steps back so that he can sign and speak, "I said I'm gonna make you feel so good this week. We're gonna have so much fun."

"Mmmm...I can't wait to have you," Sariah says softly before smirking, "But you have to get going."

Chris sighs, then laughs, "I know." He grabs his keys, "You're with Easton today?"

"Just for like, an hour. I'm helping him pick out flowers for the wedding, but it won't be long."

Sariah puts her cochlear back on, "This was fun." She stands on her tiptoes to kiss Chris's cheek, then grabs her keys and walks out of the house.


"Sooo, did you get any?" Easton asks as they walk around the flower shop.

Sariah rolls her eyes, "No, he had to go get Nova."

Easton snorts, "Man, good luck. Kids are the ultimate cock-blocker."

"People have multiple children somehow."

"True. Why not try for tomorrow while Nova's in school?"

"Can't, he's got a ton of meetings tomorrow and I'm helping you pick out new chairs for the night club, remember?"

Easton nods, "True. Maybe Friday?"

Sariah pauses a moment, considering this.

"Yeah, maybe," She says before turning her attention elsewhere, "Oh, didn't you say you wanted marigolds? They're right over here."


When Sariah returns to the house, she walks in to find Chris leaning on his elbows on the kitchen counter, holding his phone to the side of his face. Nova stood at his feet, looking up at him eagerly, as if the phone call concerned her in some way.

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