Philza's Save 2

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Here is part 2.

Phil's wing get's burned and his eye is blurry.

Tw: meantion of burn? meantion of pain.


I am just listening to Tubbo, Ghostbur, Fundy and Ranboo's conversations when I see the message pop up in the chat: Quackity was slain by Technoblade with [Toothpick]. I start laughing, and the others are so confused or concerned. I'm proud of Techno and myself, and Quackity deserved it kinda too. Well maybe a life was far but still he wasn't a saint himself. He tried to kill Techno and hurt me so yeah.

Wait.. does this mean that he tried to 1v1 Techno? Pffffffffffffffft! That makes me wheeze and start laughing again but Tubbo is angry.

I am not stressed anymore, my super abilities are gone (a shame) and i still feel the adrenalin from before. I'm still laughing and not paying any attention to Tubbo who shouts: "PHILZA MINECRAFT YOU ARE UNDER HOUSE ARREST!" (Tws start here(all of the tw))And before i know it he shoots an arrow with flame out of nowhere and hits my left wing.

I feel my wing burn as I am on the floor with a burning wing, and I was about to use my abilities but I can't. It's because my wing is damaged as my one hand is burning as well. I try to get up but I can't because of the unbalancing of the wings. The fire catches some of my front hair, (idk what to call it) And i immediately try to put it out. But I also hit my eye with my burning wing. Everything is going bad and tbh i am not acting very smartly. I use my not-burned-wing to open a chest and splash myself with water. (Tw end)

(Summary: Tubbo shots an arrow and hits Phils left wing which start to burn and Phil doesn't act smartly and accidently hits his right eye. He later on splashs himself with water.)

As I did that my last thought was: "Got my wings back normal again in less than a day, and it's out with them again", as I passed out.

When i wake up again, i see Ghostbur sitting close by." Oh hello Phil! You're awake! Did you have a good nap?" I notice that my left eye vision is blurry and it's hard to see but I can still see a little. I don't want innocent Ghostbur to be worried so I answer with: "Erm yeah!" "Oh and some of the floor was on fire so I took a water bucket and placed it there. It did kinda hurt to touch but it wasn't that bad. But what happened with your wing Phil?!" I look at my wing which is very burnt. It hardly has any feathers left on it and is all boney. "Errrm I burned it but it will be fine don't worry Ghostbur," I say as I tuck both my wings in. Which is a lie. It would take longer to recover than if it were fully cut off. Plus it would be more painful too, because if it got cut off, it would hurt when it got cut off (which hurt A LOTTTT) and then when it first pops out. But if it recovers from a burn it would hurt every day as much as it hurts when the wing pops out if it got cut off. That's so confusing I just realized.

I go down stairs weakly and get some magma cream and apply it on my arm and face. It will remove most of the burn, but the more burnt areas will still be visible. I turn around from the chests and see a blue sheep."Ghostbur why is your SHEEP here?!" "Oh yeah that's Friend! I thought you could take care of him while you are in house arrest," Wil says. "Ok i will take care of it..." "Ok thanks Phil! I'm going to visit Tommy!!" "Bye ghostbur!"


Done! Well i think will maybe make a part 3. Well have a pog day/night and yeah.


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