Chapter 14 I'll wait for you. (Final Chapter)

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~a day later~

Today I leave for France to model for Stella McCartney.

I still haven't heard from Jonathan and I don't plan on him trying to contact me. he doesn't know I'm leaving and he doesn't know the full story. I don't plan on him ever forgiving me but I hope he will weather it's today, tomorrow, 8 years, or 80 years I just hope he can some how forgive me for this mistake of a fight.

I am currently packing all of my clothing and Jonathan's clothing. he left he clothes here so I'm gonna pack them for him and leave him a note explaining the whole situation.

After I was done with his stuff and mine I brought his stuff to the front desk and had them hold it for him.

I walk out side with my purple eight inch high heels clicking on the side walk.

I got to the car that Stella sent for me and the driver opened the door and I walked in half way glancing back at the hotel where our first REAL kiss happened and where our first fight happened. this hotel will forever have memories and a place in my heart.

"It's time to go."

The driver called.

"Yeah. it is."

I said as I sat in the back seat and he closed the door and we drove off..

~Jonathan's P.O.V.~

It's been a day and I don't plan on contacting Cassidy about the fight because I can't believe she wouldn't have told me sooner. and she didn't ask me to go with her.

But, I do need to get my stuff back. I'll go, pick up my stuff, then leave. ill be civil and not talk much. a simple hello, how are you?, and goodbye.

I showed up at the hotel and I was about to head to the elevators when the front desk lady waved her arms around frantically trying to get my attention while she's on the phone.

She waved me over and I cautiously walked over to her wondering what's gonna happen next???

She put her hand up in signal telling me to pause.

"Yeah, yeah, I under stand. ill see you when I see you. ugh fine! okay! good bye mom!"

She hissed with attitude. her and her mom really have problems...

"Can I help you?"

She asked annoyed.

"Uh, you called me over here."

I retorted back in a more annoyed tone.

"Oh that." she replied walking over to her desk and looking around the desk for something."

My frowned deepened as I stood there bored and tired because she could walk out side of those doors any moment now and I rather not do the whole small talk thing unless absolutely necessary.

"Ah! here it is!"

She exclaimed, as he brought out my big duffle bag from under the counter.

"Isn't this bag suppose to be upstairs in a room with Cassidy Houston?"

She gave me a confused look/glare.

"No. Mrs.Cassidy left this morning."

Was all he said as she shoved the bag towards me.

I jerked away and gabbed the bag with one hand.

I walked out of the hotel and I I my truck to go threw and make sure all my stuff is in there.

I opened it up and found a note.

Dear Jonathan,

I know your mad and I'm trying to under stand as to why, but, nothing comes to mind. Stella McCartney approached me two days ago and asked me to go on a fashion tour as her model. It was a great chance, so I took it. Maybe the times or something scared you.. I really don't know... well by the time you read this ill probably be in France, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for anything I've done to cause you pain..

Love, Cassidy.

But reading this note made me realize that she didn't keep any thing from me and love, Cassidy that's the problem.. I do love Cassidy!

After the realization I bolted out of the hotel with the desk lady yelling behind me wanting me to come back for my stuff.

The closet airport is about ten-fifteen minutes away!

I jumped in my car and floored it.

I can't believe I went off on her without letting her explain first. I need to see her and explain my self. She shouldn't be asking me for forgiveness it should be the other way around. I'm a terrible person to just assume she was keeping secrets! I love Cassidy and I need to- no I'm going to tell her that!

I pulled up out side of the airport and jumped out of my car.

I need to find her.

I ran to the desk and looked at the flights. the next flight to France is.... IN FIVE MINUTES?!?!

The gate number was 538, so I ran to the gate will heart in my head.

I wish she would know how she makes me feel when she touches me, I feel electric voltes of energy. ah gives me the strength to keep moving! and I will keep moving! even I it means I have to fly to France to find her and tell her.

"Last call for flight 538 to Paris, France."

The over voice boomed out.

I caught sight of her long curly blonde hair and dodged everything in the way jumping over suite cases and running threw the crowds.

I finally caught up to her as he was boarding the plane.


I called out.

She whipped her head towards my direction to find who was calling her.

Her eyes locked with mine and we stared as I ran closer.

I slowed down as I was a few feet away from her.

"Cassidy! please forgive me I was stupid and I was confused about Stella and I was stupid. did I already say that-"

"What are you talking about?!!"

She asked in a worried and loud tone.

"I Love you Cassidy Houston and I always will! please forgive me!"

I pleaded now down on one knee, there were a few ooo's and awe's around the room.

"I don't know what I'm forgiving you for but I love you to!"

She started to get teary eyed and a tear went down her face as she cried in happiness.

I stood up and grabbed her by the waist spinning her around.

I put her back on her feet and kissed her slowly.

Falling in love with her was like jumping off a bridge. first slowly then all at once.

"Mam. were boarding the plane. are you coming?"

She asked sweetly like she really didn't want to ruin the moment.

Cassidy gave the woman an apologetic smile and looked at me with sadness.


I nudged her.


I cut her off before she could say anything she would regret.

"I'll wait for you."

Was what I said before she gave me a quick peck and grabbed her bags heading on to the boarding walk.

She turned right as the doors were closing and mouthed the words "I love you."

I smiled and was about to mouth it back as the doors closed and there went my last chance.

I got to tell her how I felt and I love her so much I can't even explain.

I love you Cassidy.

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