Chapter 1

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I sat there in the grass over my mothers grave and cried for hours upon hours. night fell and someone put there hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked up to see my grandmother in her night dress shivering with the could hitting her from all directions.

"It's time to come in side Cassidy."

Her voice rung in my ears. it sounded like my mothers. which only made me cry more. I couldn't leave my mom, she's all I ever had in the world. my only friend, my only family. I loved her so much!


She said again. I stood up slowly and grabbed her hand. she threw a blanket over my shoulder. I shrugged it of just wanting to die out here in the cold Nebraska air.

"Cassidy stop. your shivering."

I pulled my hand out of hers and speed walked into the house. I felt dead inside. when I got to my room I threw my self on my bed and cried so much my eyes hurt. that day that she took me to go get ice cream after my big play when I was six went threw my head. and when I was eighteen she let me borrow her prom dress to wear to my senior prom. the last thought that went threw my mind was when we were driving two days ago and we saw that dumb deer standing in the road, my mom hit the brakes but it was to late. the car spun round and eventually slammed into the side of a huge rock. she hit her head on that rock and passed out. when we finally got to the hospital the doctors said she was alive but brain dead. there was nothing we could do, so we let her go.

My eyes snapped open to the smell of pancakes being made. I smiled but then remembered my mothers passing. three days have passed since we buried her in the back yard. I still felt dead inside an I never moved. I haven't changed or showered since that day. my gran would bring me food but I barely ate. I heard big heavy foot steps coming up the stairs. I ignored them until they kicked open my door with a Big Bang! I screamed and jumped up. it was my older step brother Marcus.

"Ok that's it! I get it your mom died and your life sucks but no more sulking get your lazy good for nothing a-"

Just then we heard gran down stairs.

"Marcus dear, language control remember?"

He sighed.

"Yeah gran hold on a minute." he looked back at me "get up. breakfast in five minutes, down stairs this time! and if your not down I will come and carry you down."

Before I could protest his demands he left my room slamming the door behind him. I sighed out loud and put on my robe as I headed for the stairs. when I was down stairs gran came and hugged me. I didn't hug back I just stood there not in the mood to fake and emotions.

"Good morning Cassidy sweetie!"

She whispered swaying us both in the hug. when she let go I plopped down in my seat.

"Yeah? what's so good about it?"

"Cassidy Joy Houston!"

My brother snapped at my remark to our happy grandmother. what's so good about it for real?! I mean my mom like just died and your all smiles and sunshines!

She set the plates down in front of us and joined in eating. I could just tell by the look on Marcus's face that something was going on.


I asked while my mouth was full of strawberries. He laughed and wiped his mouth with his napkin.

"We're going some where. so once your done eating go pack and then we'll head out."

I shook my head in confusion

"Did I miss something? where are we going?!"

I demanded to know I mean it's my right to know! He just looked at me and shook his head in response as he stood up and walked outside.

"Am I missing something here gran?"

I asked to gran. she just shook her head and shrugged. I know it's gone be something I'm gonna hate or love. I guess if I didn't pack then he probably would pack my stuff for me.


I was finished packing so I headed down stairs where my brother was waiting.

"I told you to be ready ten minutes ago!"

He screamed now leaning in the door way.

"I had to change and pack."

I snapped and brushed past my evil brother. we got in the car and my favorite song God Made Girls was on the radio. I didn't even notice I fell asleep in the car. when I woke up we were driving in the middle of no where.

"Where are we?"

I asked with my voice groggy.

"Welcome to Nashville,Tennessee."

He said calmly. I sat up in my seat

"What in the hell! why are we in Nashville?!"

He shook his head at me and looked back at the road.

"There's something your not telling me!?"

I screamed at him. he remained silent again and just kept driving.

We drove for about an hour or two in the middle of a tall corn field. we passed this cute old barn that looked like one in a movie. eventually we drove into a huge drive way to a huge house! it must have been at least four times the size of my gran's house! were we staying here? when he stopped the truck he hopped out and grabbed my suit cases and carried them to the door. he waved for me to come over. I slowly got out of the car and walked up to him. whose house was this?

Marcus reached up and knocked on the door. After about five minutes the door swung open.


I screamed at the man in the door way.

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