Michael & Ashton

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Michael: You and your boyfriend for 2 years, Mikey, are sitting on the couch playing video games and laughing and talking about music. Your sleeve rolls down and you didn't even notice until he stopped playing and paused the game. You were sitting in between his legs and he was behind you sitting on the couch. "Y/N...whats that on your arm..?" You start shaking and your heart starts racing because it was so unexpected for him to notice. You didn't want anybody to notice. Hiding in hoodies and bracelets was your comfort. You look back at him and say "It was just a few scratches from when me and my sister got in a fight. She scratches haha.." He didn't believe you and took your arm gently. "Y/N..are you lying to me?" You were already scared that he was going to leave because of your scars. "Mikey, I'm sorry," you cry, breaking down in his arms when he comes to the floor and your head is on his chest. "I'm two months clean, I'm trying. I promise." He looks at you and he's teared up and breaking inside. "Y/N, I love you so much. If its anything I did to make you do that to yourself, tell me. I'm so sorry I never noticed. I'm going to help you get through this." And burried his face in his hands because he's crying so hard. "MIkey you didn't do anything I promise. I love you so much. I hid it from you because I didnt want you to leave." You both sat there in eachothers arms and talked about it about 5 minutes later.

Ashton: Ashton whines your name from the living room of your beautiful apartment. "Yesss?" you say to your boyfriend. "What's your favorite movie, babe?" he asks you with his beautiful smile of his. "**insert favorite movie**" He looks at you and walks over and grabs your hand, taking you to your guys' room to watch it. Once you get to his your room, he smirks. "Are we actually going to watch the movie though?"  You start laughing and he kisses you. Then he looked at your arm when he took of your hoodie you hide in. "Babe.." he stares at your arm then into your deep widened eyes. Then you realize what he's looking at. "Ashton, I-" you start to speak, but don't manage to make a full sentence. You're just in shock. He knew. "Y/N, why? You can talk to me you know that..right? Have..have I been a shitty boyfriend? Was it the fans?" You can't handle it. "Ashton it has nothing to do with you, you know I love you so much. I never want to lose you." He hugs you so tight and kisses you so passionately, you feel comforted. He tells you how much he loves you and how sorry he is but you tell him that it's not his fault, but he doesnt believe you. He loves you.

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