Chapter 12

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You headed to your special spot near the back of the school after the bell rang besides the rather weird start of the day, everything was normal. Nervously, you sat down on the clean grass and waited for her to arrive.

Ririka was a very dear friend and you valued her opinion so you were nervous about this dish that you somehow made with two of the best chefs in Japan, who also happened to be your best friends.

You brought out the two Bentos from the bag, your bento was made by Alice and Ryo, who surprisingly got along to make you something.

You heard quiet footsteps making their way towards you and when you looked up, you subconsciously smiled, there she was in all her glory, Ririka Momobami.

"There you are, I thought you weren't going to show up," you said with a frown and a serious look on your face, she took her mask off and her eyes held nervousness.

"I'm s- sorry I'm l- late! I w- would n- never do that to y- you though y/n" She said still standing up and you couldn't handle how cute she was anymore and laughed.

"I know, Ririka, I was just teasing you," you said as you pat the spot beside you, she smiled, blushing, as she sat down. She sniffed the air and looked at you with a huge smile on her face, it warmed your heart.

"The food smells great y/n! D- do I r- really get to e- eat it?"

"Of course, here you go, enjoy!" You said giving her the bento and opening yours, you hoped that she would find it good, or Erina's God's tongue might lose its credibility.

She took the first bite and stayed silent and you started to curse yourself and Soma in your head.

"U- um do- uhh- do you like i- it?" She opened her eyes and grinned at you, you started freaking out because of the grin, she looked like she liked it right?

"I love it y/n! It tastes so good, how are you able to make this??" She said eating more and you let out a sigh of relief, she liked it.

"I'm glad you like it Riri," you said smiling at her and she nodded eating more.

"'hat engredientsh did you useh?" She said, her mouth still filled with food and you giggled, "Oi don't speak when your mouth's so full"

She swallowed her food and glared at you, playfully of course, and still blushing "It's not my fault you're an amazing cook" you blushed furiously and looked down on Alice and Ryo's bento, the fish, and whatever Alice did with the whole molecular gastronomy was amazing.

"I made this w- with a friend of mine a while a- ago, I don't r- really deserve the credit for it," you said taking a bite.

"I bet you helped lots and you're j- just too shy to admit i- it!" she whisper shouted and you blushed more, you really didn't know how to take compliments.

You offered her to eat a piece of Alice and Ryo's bento and she loved it too.

"Did you make this as well? It's- It's amazing!" You quickly shook your head, "My two friends made me that and I'll give them your generous feedback"

You guys sat there eating silently again and you couldn't feel more comfortable, maybe it was the company.

She, surprisingly, broke the silence "Hey, are your friends by any chance, from Totsuki?"

You choked on your food and she immediately panicked and gave you water, how could she know that??

"Are you alright y/n?" she said patting your back, you blushed

"Yeah, *cough* I'm perfectly fine, now why do you t- think that my friends are from totsuki?"

"The cooking style on your bento is similar to Alice Nakiri and Ryo Kurokiba? And the bento y- you made with a 'friend' is s- similar to the first seat's, they've cooked for us before in an event"

You knew using these recipes would backfire on you, how can you escape this question now?

"You d- don't have to tell me y/n, I c- could possibly be discrediting your friends and be wrong!"

You sighed, perhaps you could tell her about this thing, you trusted her enough to tell her a part of your life. "Y- you're right though, they're m- my closest friends"

Her eyes widened, clearly not expecting you to admit that, and softened immediately, "I'm g- glad you trust me enough with this information! I won't pry anymore but I hope I become someone you trust completely in time" She said smiling at you and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"What do y- you mean by 'trust completely'?" you asked her and she let out a small smile, "I k- know there's more o- of you that t- the world doesn't know yet and this might be too much for me to ask but I want to be friends with all of you y/n"

Your eyes widened, how could she know about that? Maybe it was because she fakes a lot of things too that this isn't new to her. You did trust her and you were comfortable with her. You knew that she also had secrets but she told you about the major ones already, which meant that she trusted you too.

You wanted to trust her completely, but you couldn't do it right away, trust had to be earned but you felt that she'd earn that soon enough.

"In time maybe," You said with sincerity and you saw a flash of hope in her eyes, she really actually wanted to get to know who you really are, it felt nice.

"Be real with me y/n" she said looking at you.

"Only if you do too" You replied locking eyes with her.

Maybe, with her, you'd get to trust another person with all of you, the real you.

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