Chapter 1

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You pull up to a semi big house. It was big but not over whelming. You get out of the car just to have a gust of cold South Park wind hit you in the face. You shiver as your mom puts on your new jacket. As your mom unpacked everything, you decide to sneak off and explore the new town that your going to live in. Maybe your mom will allow you to make friends this time. Your mom wouldn't let you make friends because you were special. You had a secret you had to keep from everyone. Your mom even home schooled you. You haven't really been outside in years.

You put on your winter hat to hide what is being put underneath. You hold on tight to your hat while the wind is blowing strong. You walk towards town to look around. It looked like one of those western towns but more modern. Your eyes stop on a field further ahead. You walk towards it while hearing screaming. You decide that you better run. You begin running. The closer you got the louder the screaming got. When you finally got there, you saw a bunch of boys just playing some kind of battle game. You sigh in relief. Thank goodness no one was getting hurt. When you looked back up, you notice that the big boned kid must have won because he's running around making fun of the green hatted kid. You couldn't just stand by and let this happen because you knew it was wrong.

You run towards the group of boys without really thinking of what might happen. You stand in front of the green hatted kid. You glare at the big boned one.

"Leave him alone!" you demand.

The big boned boy stood up tall so his shadow will cover you. He raises his hand getting ready to slap you. You get yourself prepared for the worst until a gust of wind flows towards you. By reflex you aim to grab your winter hat, but while you did, you accidentally knocked the big boned boy's hand away. You can tell by his face, he is irritated and embarrassed. You try to apologize, but he didn't accept it. He grabs you by the collar and picks you up off the ground.

"Do you know who I am?" he asks.

You shake your head, "No."

Before he could answer, the green hatted boy pulls the big boned boy's hand off and forces you behind him.

"Leave her out of it," the green hatted boy demands.

"Does Kahl have a girlfriend?" teases the big boned boy.

The green hatted boy gets seriously irritated, "No! I've never met her before."

"It's true," you speak up, "I just moved here today."

"New girl, huh?" the big boned boy asks.

You nod while all the boys except two of them went home.

A boy with a blue and red winter hat introduced everyone. The boy with the orange hoodie is Kenny, the boy with the blue and red hat is Stan, the big boned boy is Cartman, and the green hatted boy was Kyle.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm (Y/N)," you say.

The boys walk you home. When you get closer, you see your mom standing in the driveway. Oh great!

She walks over and grabs your hand. She pulls you away from the boys. She glares at them then turns around and pulls you inside. Your mom forces you to sit on the couch.

"(F/M/L name), what were you thinking?" she asks. You can hear that she was worried about you. "What do you think would happen if your hat came off?"

"It didn't come off though," you answer.

"(Y/N), your not normal. Your special. If anyone found out, I don't even want to think about it," you know your mom meant that in a good way.

"I don't want to think about the consequences anymore. I'm still a kid and it's about time I act like one," you say.

Your mom sighs, knowing that she is not going to be able to stop you. She smiles, "Very well, but if something goes wrong, you will be the one to fix it.

You nod, "I will."

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