Chapter 7

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You wake up the next morning. You had a dream about you and Kyle kissing and hugging. You wonder why you are thinking of him that way. Ever since Stan asked you that question, you keep questioning yourself. Do you really like Kyle in that way? Do you want to be like that with Kyle?

You shake off the questions and get ready for the day. You put on your jacket and winter hat. You look at yourself in the mirror in your bedroom. You hate that you have to hide them from everyone especially Kyle. You feel like your betraying them by keeping this a secret, but you didn't want to disobey your mom either. You sigh and just go with it. If you are meant to show them then something will happen.

You walk to Kyle's house. You walk up the steps and knock on the door. Kyle opens the door to let you in. You walk in to see Kenny, Stan, and Cartman also there. They all smile when they see you.

"Hey, (Y/N)," greets Cartman.

You notice Cartman seems happier today. You wave to him, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We are playing a video game," answers Kyle.

"Cool. Can I play?" you ask.

The boys look at you uneasy, "Well... this game... isn't for girls."

Your heart sinks a little, "Oh... I... understand." You sit on the couch, "Can I at least watch?"

The boys nod. Kenny hooks up the tv and video game. They hook up the controllers to the game sphere. They play it for nine hours straight. You end up falling asleep on the couch.

You hear a door close, but your eyes are so heavy that they won't open. You begin to shiver. Whoever stayed behind places a soft blanket around you. You can feel someone removing your hat, but for some reason, you didn't move. You feel safe. That even if the person finds out, you'll be fine. You feel your hat come completly off. The person sees them, doesn't he? You feel the person touch them. Your eyes finally allow you to open them. You look up to see Kyle touching the cat ears you hide underneath your winter hat all the time. Kyle didn't seem phased by your extra ears. Kyle just pets them while smiling.

"Cute," he says.

You blush darkly, making Kyle chuckle. You sit up so he can sit down next to you. Kyle sits down and puts his arm around you. He pulls you close to him. You put your head on his shoulder while swinging your legs up on the couch. You close your eyes. Somehow you feel more safe with Kyle than you do with the others. You don't even feel this safe around your parents. You and Kyle fall asleep together, side by side.

You and Kyle wake up after you hear a door slam open. You look over to see your mom staring at you with fear. You then realized she was looking at your cat ears.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" she asks.

You can feel tears begin to fill your eyes. You know that since Kyle knows your secret, your mom won't let you stay in South Park anymore, "Mom, please, it's okay. He won't tell anyone."

Kyle shakes his head, "No. I promise I won't tell a soul."

Your mom grabs your hand then pulls you out the door, "I don't trust you."

You turn to see that Kyle is hurt by what your mom said. You know your mom is only doing this because she's worried, but the further you got from Kyle, the more lonely you feel. When you can't see Kyle anymore, your body just collapses. You feel lonely. Your mother picks you up.

"I'm sorry, but we went over this when you first met those boys," says your mom.

Your mind and body just doesn't want to work anymore. You literally can't move a muscle. You can't stand the thought of not living in South Park leaving your new friends, leaving Kyle. At that moment, you finally realized, your in love with Kyle. Tears begin to flow out of your eyes. Your mom holds you tight. She knows how you feel about South Park. She is just doing what she thinks is best for you, but you hate that she always does what she wants. What are you going to do in order to stay in South Park.

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