Chapter 32

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The Human Kite rushes down the hall until he hears a scream. Your scream. Anger rages inside him.  Those bastards better not have touched you. The Human Kite busts through some double doors.  He stares at you, you stare at him. Your face glows when your eyes meet fully.

"You came!" you scream happily.

The Human Kite looks at Randy.

"Toolshed!" yells Kyle.

The Toolshed walks in and slaps his forhead, "Dad, what are you doing here?"

"Just kidnapping an off character, Stan. Just trying to keep you safe," Randy says.

You roll your eyes. Will someone just save you already? Just when the thought came, The Human Kite unties you and pulls you out. The other superheroes block Mr. Marsh. The Human Kite's hand holds her tightly while running through the halls. Soon, you are whipped around and find your lips lock on with his. He holds you tight while kissing you deeply. He finally let's you go. You both smile at each other. You feel so safe in his arms. When the others come back, you all head home. Your mother and father hug you really tight to th point you can't breathe. You we're only gone for a few minutes or so. You smile at the kind gestures. You hug them back. You turn around and The Human Kite and his gang are gone.

(I know this chapter sucks XD I will make it better. I am just having a little writers block, so if you guys could put out some suggestions, I would really appreciate it, thank you)

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