Chapter 37

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The Human Kite walks you home that night. He watches you until your inside the house. You watch him until he's out of sight. You take off your superhero costume. You take a quick shower and hop in your pajamas. You don't hesitate to fall asleep. The faster you fall asleep, the fast you can see Kyle again.

Your mom wakes you up the next morning. You roll out of bed. Your so tired, but your not at the same time. Truth is, you wanna be lazy. You get up off the floor. You get dressed and throw on your winter hat. Not like you really need it, but your mom still makes you. You never understood why she is so overprotective of this. But oh well. You leave the house. Kyle is waiting at the end of your driveway. He holds out his hand, and you, of course, take it.

You walk to school with your hand in Kyle's. You have good feeling about today. Today is gonna be the days of all days. Today your gonna be the happiest person/cat out there. Today...

"Pop quiz everyone," the teacher slaps a math test on your desk.

Well your happy day may not be ruined. You look at the paper. You read the first question. You know it, so you mark the right answer. You keep going and going and BAM! your done. You hand in your quiz. You imagine everyone cheering for you as you sit down in your seat. You look at Kyle all smug like because he's usually some before anyone. You give him a little sexy wink, making him blush. You giggle to yourself. You put your head on your desk and close your eyes. You begin to daydream, but you soon fall asleep.

The bell rings a few minutes later. You quickly get up. You rush to The cafeteria before the line gets too big. When you get on line, You realize you forgot Kyle. You stay where your at. Maybe he will make in time, so he can cut in front of you. But at the same time, you don't want to give up your spot. Just then, Kyle gets in front of you.

"Thanks," he smiles and kisses your cheek.

"You're welcome," you say as you slowly cut in front of him.

You both laugh a little. You and Kyle say 'hi' to Chef while getting your food. You and Kyle sit down at the table with everyone else. They are all debating on which video game is better. You casually slip your favorite game in.

"Don't get involved (Y/N)," Kyle says.

"I just did," you say back.

You explain to everyone why it's the best game ever.

After school, Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny come over to your house to play the game. You all play together and have a wild time. Your mother seems a little worried, but your dad actually joins you guys. You all play until the sun goes down. You open the door and say 'goodbye' to everyone. They all look like they had fun. Kyle kisses you before he leaves, which your mom isn't too happy about but who cares. You go up to your room and turn on some music while you get your homework done. You sing along to your favorite song when it comes on. You even dance sometimes. You end up falling asleep on top of your homework. Oh well.

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