Chapter 8

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You wake up that morning not wanting to get up, but you have to because you have school today. You roll out of bed and get ready. You look at your cat ears in the mirror while you cover them up with your winter hat. Everything would be different if you didn't have these ears and that cat side of you that comes out when ever you feel threatened.

You get your jacket on and go outside to see Cartman waiting for you this time. Where is Kyle? He is usually the one who picks you up. You just brush it off and walk with Cartman. Cartman quickly rips your hat off.

"Woah!" he says.

You press your cat ears to your head, "What did you do that for?" you ask.

"I was curious. You always have your hat on even when you don't need it. You even fell asleep with it on at Kyle's house," he says.

"You don't think I'm strange?" you ask.

"Oh, you're strange, but so am I," he chuckles while putting your hat back on.

You smile while you two walk to school together. Stan and Kenny walk over and lead you to the classroom. You look around, but Kyle isn't there. Even though you are with your other friends, you still feel lonely. You want to tell Kyle how you feel about him. You wonder if he feels the same way.

After school, you walk home alone. Kyle wasn't in school all day. You stop when you get to his house and stare at it for a little while, but then you decide to just keep walking. Maybe he doesn't want to see you after yesterday. You could feel your heart break. When you get home, you rush to your room, press your face in your pillow, and cry. Your heart hurt so much. It has only been a day and you miss Kyle so much. You stay in your room. You even skip all your meals. You always said to yourself you would never get hung up over a guy, but yet there you are crying over a boy.

Night shadows the side of your world. As you lay in your bed, you hear little droplets of rain hit your window. You turn towards the wall and curl up. You slowly fall asleep.

You wake up when you hear what sounds like stones hitting your window. You look at your alarm clock. It is midnight exactly. You get up and open your window.

"(Y/N)," you look down to see Kyle standing there in the pouring rain.

"What are you doing? You're going to catch a cold," you whisper down to him.

Before you can let him answer, you run downstairs and open the door. Kyle must have ran to the door too because he was standing there. He is drenched from head to toe. His ginger hair was poking out of his uneven hat.

"I couldn't wait till tomorrow to talk to you," he says still standing in the rain. "I have to tell you something. (Y/N). I now know that I have fallen in love with you. Your all I think about and no matter what you do or look like or say you remain perfect in my eyes. I want to be with you day and night, but I know that it's impossible right now," Kyle kept looking down at the ground as he spoke. "I can't imagine or see myself with anyone, but you. So (Y/N), while you are still here in South Park," he looks into your eyes and gets on one knee, "will you go out with me?"

You can barely contain your excitement. You hug him tightly whisper yelling, yes, over and over. You know your mom will make you move after letting Kyle and Cartman find out about your secret, but that didn't matter now. Right now you are the most happiest kitty person ever.

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