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Snapping their heads towards the sound of Thomas and Minho shouting and yelling at them which they cannot understand. After hearing the cranks screech and sprinting towards them in the distance, running after Thomas and Minho, the others started backing up.

"Oh, shit", Newt muttered. 

"CHUCK, ALVIN RUN!!", Erin yelled and they immediately nodded their heads running as fast as they could

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"CHUCK, ALVIN RUN!!", Erin yelled and they immediately nodded their heads running as fast as they could.

"GO GET OUTTA HERE!! RUN!!", Minho yelled grabbing Erin's hand. Everyone then ran up the escalator. Turning around the corner, everyone stopped when a guy crank appeared on the other side. Aris quickly grab a metal pipe from the floor knocking the crank down.

"COME ON!! HURRY, CHUCK, ALVIN!! GO, HURRY!!", Jack exclaimed staying behind to make sure no one was left behind. Just as Jack was going to run up the escalator, a crank grabbed him from behind while another crank knocks both Jack and the crank off the railing.

"FRYPAN!! ERIN!!", were the last words that came out of Jack's mouth before he fell off the railing and landed below with a loud thud.

"JACK!!", Erin and Frypan exclaimed looking over the railing at their friend's dead body in a pool of blood. Minho and Winston grabbed them ushering them up the escalator. They sprinted down the corridor when suddenly a crank burst through the glass panel and knocked Erin down on the ground.

"ERIN!! FUCK!!", Minho yelled as he and Thomas ran towards her.

"HELP ME!!", Erin yelled at the boys. She was using her arm to push the crank away from eating her as she cringed at the smell of its breath. "FUCKING GET OFF ME!! You need a toothbrush, you're mouth sticks. MINHO!!". Minho then ran forward and kicked the crank off Erin making it fall off the railing and down below. Minho wraps his arm around her waist pulling her up. "Thanks, Min", she said and ran together with the others.

"THROUGH HERE, THROUGH HERE!! LET'S GO!!", Minho yelled. They turned and ran into a long narrow hallway, Thomas tried opening the doors at the side but it was locked. Running at the end, the door could open but not fully due to the key lock.

"I'll hold them up", Winston said and started shooting the cranks with the gun he found when escaping WICKED. Erin too started shooting her arrows directly at the crank's head. 

"COME ON FRY GET IT OPEN!! ALVIN, CHUCK STAY BY NEWT!!", Erin shouted at the children who were at the edge of crying. Frypan then ran and body-slammed the door causing it to opened breaking the key lock.

"COME ON IT'S OPEN!!", Minho yelled.

"EVERYONE GET THROUGH!! COME ON!! COME ON!!", Newt exclaimed. Winston was the last out when suddenly he was grabbed by the ankle and got dragged almost back in. Erin and Newt grabbed his hand as Minho and Thomas tried to keep the doors from opening. Winston cried out for help when the crank sank their fingers in his body making a deep cut. Erin smacked a crank in the face with her bow making it let go of Winston giving Newt the opportunity to pull him out.

"GO!! GO!!", Thomas yelled at Frypan, Newt, and Erin who were trying to grab the injured boy up. Newt and Frypan heaved Winston's arm around their neck ran away. "ERIN, MINHO GO!!". Minho and Erin ran when Thomas let go of the door running fast as the cranks ran after all of them.

Hiding under a collapsed concrete and waited for the cranks to leave was uncomfortable for everyone due to having to huddle with each other in the small space. The screeching and growlings in the distance made them flinched every time. Erin went to sit on Minho's lap since there was no space unless she wanted to get dragged away by the cranks. Minho stayed frozen when Erin grabbed his face and kissed both his cheeks.

"Thanks for saving me earlier", she whispered to him before resting her head on his shoulder looking at him.

"It's nothing, princess. Go and rest", Minho said kissing the top of her head as she drifted off to sleep.

"Told you", Aris and Frypan said at the same time smirking at Minho who glared playfully at them.

"Thomas?", Chuck said.

"Yeah, Chuck?", he told him.

"We're going to die aren't we?", that question caught him off guard.

"What...? No, no I'm not gonna let anyone die especially you and Alvin. You guys are children you don't deserve to go through any of this. So don't say that okay?", Thomas told Chuck who was crying and snuggled into Thomas's side together with Alvin on his other.


"HEY GET OUT OFF HERE!!", they were woken up by Thomas who was shouting at a crow when it was digging through his bag. Fluttering her eyes open, she saw noticed that it was morning and right beside her, the Asian boy was looking at her with a look in his eyes which she can't tell.

"Sleep well?", Minho asked his voice raspy and sexy. Erin couldn't help but stare at his disheveled hair and cute sleepy face. "Take a picture it'll last longer", he smirked at her when he caught her staring at him.

"Sorry... it's just your, um- hair and face", she stuttered blushing.

"What about it?", he asked reaching up to fix his hair. Erin smiled pulling his hands away.

"It's cute and sexy together with your sleepy voice", she said sending him a flirtatious look before getting up. "Are they gone?", Erin asked Thomas.

"Yeah, I think we're safe for now. Okay, we should get moving. Let's pack it up", Thomas told everyone.

'My neck stings ', Teresa said.

'Let me check ', Erin replied walking over to Teresa and crouched behind her. Moving her hair to the side and pulled the collar down she gasps.

"What is it, Erin?", Teresa asked.

"You have the same tattoo on the back of your neck like Alvin", Erin told her. Just as everyone was about to walk, Erin stopped them all. "Wait", she exclaimed making everyone look at her. "Stop I gotta check something, Newt come here". Newt did as she said and she pulled his back collar and saw the same tattoo.

"What's wrong, Erin?", Newt asked.

"Alvin and Teresa said that the back of their necks stings so I check and saw a tattoo. It's weird", she said.

"What's mine?", Newt asked her.

"Property of WICKED. Group A, subject A5. The glue", she told him and went to Minho. "Property of WICKED. Group A, subject A7. The leader", and to Thomas. "Property of WICKED. Group A, subject A2. To be killed by group B".

"What the hell?", Thomas said. "What's Teresa's and Alvin's?".

"Teresa is Subject A1. The betrayer. Alvin is subject A26. The baby", causing everyone to laugh at the name. "Don't laugh at my brother", she said when she saw Alvin's sad face.

"Why am I the betrayer?", Teresa asked.

"Don't ask me, ask the bastards who put it on you", Erin's voice harsh making the other's flinch at her tone.

"You mind?", Minho asked as Erin nodded. He pulled her back collar down and read it out loud.

"Subject A10. Rue"

Rue | Minho (Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now