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The five boys drove past the sign, and luckily it turned morning as they were able to see properly. The car then stopped in front of a long, dark, and narrow tunnel. The place they stopped at looked abandoned with signs about the flare everywhere.

Everyone got out of the truck to look at their surroundings before staring into the tunnel. "You want us to go in there?", Newt asked feeling uneasy about it. "I don't wanna come across as too negative... but if I was a crank, that's exactly where I would be".

"I don't think we have much of a choice", Thomas said looking up from the map.

"Thomas I don't know...", Chuck stood next.

"Come on I have a sniper. If there is a crank, I'll blow its head off", Alvin shrugged patting Chuck's shoulder before walking into the jeep.

"Reminds me of Erin's attitude", Frypan said looking at the Asian boy. "You got the notebook, Chuck?".

"Yep", Chuck replied.

"Alright... I get shotgun", Newt says and walks back into the truck. (Anyone who doesn't know what 'shotgun' means, it means the passenger seat of the car)


"Well, here we go", Frypan nervously said turning on the headlights of the jeep while driving on the bumpy and dark road of the tunnel.

There were many abandoned cars at the side and Frypan having to swerve the car around to avoid getting hit. "Tommy I feel like something is gonna pop up, just like that time in the mountains when the Right Arm shot at us from nowhere", Alvin said.

"Yeah... just like 'pop' and then hello I'm here to kill you", Chuck added.

"Your not helping them shuckface", Alvin whispered at Chuck.

"So, are you slinthead", Chcuk retorted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa", Frypan stepped on the brake upon seeing a crank in the distance. "Al, Chuck, you spoke too soon", Frypan muttered. Everyone then stared at Thomas with a 'What do we do?' look.

"It's okay, it's just one... so take it slow, go around him", Thomas whispered to everyone. "We'll be fine".

"Two", Alvin and Chuck whispered making everyone look at them.

"What?", they asked.

"Two", Alvin mumbled clearly and pointed to the window next to Thomas revealing a pale and blond woman staring at them. Everyone then yelp backing up.

"Please... please... help me", the woman begged and kept pulling the car door handle aggressively. Suddenly there was another bang beside Chuck's window and another crank was there speaking gibberish. One by one more cranks began pounding onto the car window begging to come in.




Frypan then pressed his foot onto the clutch and drove forward fast making the crank fall onto the bonnet as it screeched at them. It punched the window creating a huge crack on it making it hard for Frypan to see forward.

Swerving the car from left to right finally shaking the crank off by slamming it into the crane. Everyone sighed in relief when...

"FRYPAN WATCH OUT!!", Thomas yelled. Frypan who was not quick enough to avoid the barrel in front crashed into it causing the car to turn upside down.

"Everyone okay? Chuck? Al?", Thomas asked receiving coughs in return. "Fry cover your eyes". Thomas used his foot and broke the window helping the children out.

Newt and Frypan then got out only to hear a crank screaming at them not too far away. "Frypan, I think we gotta move", Thomas exclaimed staring at the crank.


"FRY, NOW!!"

They were yelling at Frypan who was busy trying to retrieve his shotgun. Alvin rolled his eyes at the boys. He cocked his sniper, aimed it at the crank, and shot it in the head. "Oh shit", they all said.

"You assholes realize that I have a shucking sniper right?", Alvin asked them making them stare at the nine-year-old with wide eyes.

"Mama Newt, Alvin said a bad language word", Chuck laughed making them chuckle and Newt rolled his eyes but stopped when more cranks started screeching and running at them in the distance. They ran in the opposite direction and saw the exit only to see more cranks in front of them. Turning around there were also cranks. They have trapped both sides.

"I'M OUT!!", Frypan yelled when the ammo of his shotgun ran out. Suddenly, car engines were heard in the distance, and saw two cars running over the cranks like bowling pins.

"HEY, GET IN!!", Brenda shouted and started shooting the cranks from the top of the car roof. "GO!!".

"MOVE YOUR ASS!!", Reyna yelled while shooting at the cranks with Tony.

"Hang on", Jorge exclaimed and began driving forward and into the light. "I'm impressed. You guys almost lasted a whole day".

"You good, babe?", Thomas asked climbing over the seat to sit next to his boyfriend.

"Yeah", Newt replied pecking Thomas on the cheek.

"Frypan", Gwen said sternly.

"Alvin", Reyna and Enzo said angrily.

"Hey...", Alvin and Frypan waved before being embraced into a tight hug meanwhile Chuck watched as they had someone to love except him.

"Chuck... honey come here", Reyna pulled him into a hug. "You both. How could you leave just like that? What if you got infected or dead? What the hell am I supposed to do? Huh?".

"Stay home and cook rice. Knitting", Tony suggested sarcastically only to earn a shove from his sister.

"Shut up, you pig", Reyna scowled.

"I'm glad your okay, Fry", Gwen said kissing Frypan before resting her head on his shoulder. Brenda then turned around and stared at them shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna bring you guys into this", Thomas apologise making Brenda roll her eyes while Jorge glared at him through the rear mirror.

"I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us", Frypan cut in and went back into snuggling Gwen.

"You're welcome", Brenda said giving him a look.

"Hey, don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too", Jorge told them.

"Yeah, unless they have some other way to keep the Cranks out", Newt said looking outside the window. When everyone saw what he's looking at, Jorge made a harsh brake on the car causing everyone to jerk forward. They got out of the games and stared speechless at...

The Last City

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