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They grab a gas tank and threw it out the window breaking the glass. Looking down there was a pool of water below.

"Okay, it's doable", Thomas nodded looking down.

"I can't. I hate heights. I can't", Erin ran a hand through her hair.

"Erin this is our only way. Come on, we do it together", Thomas said holding her hand.

"Okay. If I die, thank you for everything. Actually, I rather die. Kill me now", Erin told them.

"We're not killing you. Just need a little running start", Thomas stammered.

"You sure about this?", Minho asked holding Erin's shaky hand.

"Not really", Thomas said.

"Nice pep talk", Minho said sarcastically.

"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired", Newt said in the same tone as Minho.

Suddenly the door opened behind

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Suddenly the door opened behind. The four sprinted and jumped out the window. "THOMAS!!", Minho yelled before falling into the water. All three of them got out of the water except Erin. "Erin? ERIN?!". Minho dived back in and spotted Erin in the water unmoving. Grabbing her, he pulled her to the surface. Before Thomas got out of the water, he pointed the finger at Janson like what he did back then.

 Before Thomas got out of the water, he pointed the finger at Janson like what he did back then

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"Hey, Erin. Wake up", Minho pleaded and began doing CPR on her.

"You three, don't move", a guard yelled followed by three more. Thomas tried grabbing his gun in his hoister.

"Uh uh uh, don't even think about it", the guard yelled when he turned his body and shot three guards down. The guard ran towards them and opened his mask.

"Gally?", Minho said when Erin started coughing out the water and gasped for air. "Hey... hey, princess. You're fine. I'm here, I'm here".

"Thank you. Nice to hear you call me that again", she kissed his cheek.

"Minho", Gally nodded at Minho. "You guys are nuts".

"I'll explain later", Thomas patted Minho on the back as Minho stared at Gally's retreating figure in disbelief.

"Min, come on", Erin grabbed his hand dragging him along with her. The five then ran and hid behind pillars as WICKED is searching the perimeter for them.

"Well, they're definitely pissed", Gally panted.

"How far are the tunnels?", Thomas asked.

"Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here", Gally said at the same time Newt coughed uncontrollably. "We can make it".

"Newt, how are you feeling?", Minho asked crouching infront of him.

"Terrible", Newt groaned unbuttoning his jacket. "It's good to see you though", he place a hand on Minho's shoulder.

"Newt you're going to be fine", Erin said and kissed his cheek.

"Hey, Newt. Come on, babe. We gotta get you up, let's go", Thomas heaved Newt up.

"Why are you helping us Gally? I put a spear through your chest", Minho said still not believing how Gally is alive.

"Yeah... nobody's perfect, man", Gally patted him on the shoulder and ran off.


Adding the microscope immersion fluid onto the stage clips of the microscope with a drop of Thomas's blood on it. Erin looked into the lens and her eyes went wide.

"Oh my god", she gasped.

"Erin, come on", Sarah told her as the whole building was evacuating.

"No I need more", Erin said.

"More what?", Sarah asked standing next to her. Erin gestured her to look into the microscope. When Sarah looked she gasped immediately.

"It's not just slowing the virus down. It's destroying it", Erin said before grabbing the tube of blood and made the cure.

End of flashback

Minho and Gally ran off to Brenda to get the serum for Newt as his getting worse. Black liquid drooling from his mouth, black veins popping out and eyes red glistening.

"Newt come on", Erin wrapped his arm around her shoulder and Thomas did the same with the other side.

"Where almost there, Newt. Stay with me", Thomas said when Newt's body fell to the ground. "Come on".

"Tommy wait here I gotta go get something", Erin said before running off to a quiet place. Opening her bag, she took out the cure and a syringe. She poke the needle into the metal lid and sucked the cure out. "I'm coming, Newt".

She ran back to the place and saw Newt swinging the knife at Thomas. "NEWT!!", she yelled making Newt stopped and turn to her. "DROP THE KNIFE, I HAVE THE CURE!! I CAN HEAL YOU!! Come to me", Erin yelled.

 "DROP THE KNIFE, I HAVE THE CURE!! I CAN HEAL YOU!! Come to me", Erin yelled

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Newt expression soften slightly and walked towards Erin. Before she knew it Newt launched himself at her making both fall on the ground and she injected him with the cure straight away. Newt's body went limp on top of her's.

She slowly pushed his body away and stood up. "Erin...", Thomas whispered when he saw the knife in sticking out of her stomach.

"Tommy...", she fell. Thomas was quick to catch her.

"No, no, no. Come on, stay awake. Don't close your eyes", Thomas cried brushing the hair from her face. Footsteps were heard near them. Minho, Frypan, Brenda, Gally, Alvin, Chuck, Enzo and Reyna ran towards Thomas.

"Newt?", Brenda said.

"Erin she cured him. He cranked out and stabbed her", Thomas croaked out. "I got to go back to WICKED", Thomas then sprinted away.

"ERIN!!", Minho yelled placing her head on his lap.

"Minho... I... I love you", Erin croaked out.

"Shut up, your not dying", he cried. Erin turn her head and saw her family staring at her with tears in their eyes.

"Erin. I'm sorry, don't leave me. You promise me", Alvin cried as more tears ran down his cheeks.

"It's okay... it's okay", she whispered before her eyes shut close.

"Erin? Erin? ERIN?!", Minho and Alvin yelled.

"Hey, shuckface. Open your eyes... don't leave me please". Enzo walked forward holding the boy's shoulder trying to comfort him.

"She's not dead", Chuck said. He pointed at her rising chest. "She's still breathing".

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