Intro to law

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My back was turned as the door across from me. It opened, then closed. My ears were sharp, anticipating the vibe of meeting someone new who could potentially change my life. I turned around, with the small window of sunlight as my only company. I, then, see a young man, with a younger woman. The lawyer had hazel eyes, tan skin, and jet black wavy hair reaching down to his neck. He looked like an everyday person. the young fräulein was beautiful. She had red hair, and almost crystal gray eyes, I couldn't look away from her. Her hair was perfectly straight. She looked quiet, but also looked like she could stand up for herself. I wonder if they were at the crime scene.

"Good morning, Ms. Madden." Greeted the young man in a gentle voice. It wasn't as deep and scary as I had pictured when I knew I had to meet the attorney.

"Good morning." I retorted, in a slightly depressed tone.

"Ms. Madden, my name is Tirakan River, and this is my assistant Angelina Carressa. I'm the defense lawyer, and she's my assistant.

"I saw you were with Detective Scarlett at the crime scene as he took you in." So he was at the crime scene.

"Detective...Scarlett?" I asked. Wait, this doesn't make a lot of sense.

"Yes, he wasn't assigned for this case, but he came along to investigate." Mr. River replied.

"I thought his name was Lamior..."

"They're both his names. Turnbull Scarlett-Lamior." Mr. River informed. I was taken aback. I had no idea Aaliyana had two last names. I've known her for three years, now. But, Turnbull Scarlett? It doesn't sound like a pleasing or comfortable name. But, that's just me.

"We call him Lamior instead." River added.

"So it really was him... but he didn't have to arrest me. He is on my side, right?" I asked thinking out loud.

"He believes in your innocence. I'm sure of it." Mr. River chimed in trying to be optimistic. But, that attempt might not be the truth.

"Wait, what do you mean, it really was him?" Angelina asked in her slightly deep voice. There was a pause. I had to come clean, and try to keep what's pertinent to the case.

"So...the story is... Armando and I used to be in a relationship. He and I were close until he became unfaithful with other students, so we had to break up." I elaborated.

"Unfaithful how?" Angelina asked.

"Um, he cheated on me with other students along with Aaliyana," I said with more discord.

"Aaliyana, the witness," Mr. River duly noted, as he took notes in a yellow notepad.

Stuttering, "Y-yes. Also, I should mention, I went to Mr. Hudson who handles bullying about what Armando did to me."

"What did he do?" Asked Mr. River sounding like he's expecting something heartbreaking.

"He'd put his hands on me, call me names, trying to touch me unwantedly. Aaliyana and Armando would have their hands on each other all the time. Of course, I told Mr. Hudson." I elaborated.

"...Continue..." Mr. River said as he continued writing.

"Of course, Aaliyana found out, and she had someone record Aaliyana and Armando kissing. I asked one of Armando's friends to send it to me. I showed it to Mr. Hudson. There was a meeting conducted with my parents and theirs. So, everything was out in the open..." I elaborated.

"Ohh, so they were like partners in crime." Angelina realized.

"Yes, but why would she kill Armando?" Asked Mr. River.

"I think she did it to frame me because I got in them into trouble," I replied.

"I get it, but you're the one who got them into trouble. Wouldn't it make sense for her to go after you?" Angelina asked trying to piece it all together. Mr. River dropped his notebook on the table to get our attention.

"Was he out for something?" He asked.

"Well, I do know he started doing drugs in eighth grade," I replied apprehensively. They both raised their skinny eyebrows, as their eyes enlarged.

"Really?" Angelina asked.

"Yes. Every day, he'd come to school high from who knows what." I added. Mr. River began writing faster like he was scribbling away.

"So, she could've killed Armando for money, so they could blame it on you..." Angelina said to herself, trying to make sense of it all.

"Or because they were both in trouble, and for revenge they did the unforgivable, just to try and get away." Mr. River comprehended.

"But, Isn't it possible they had to agree to do something like that since it seems they were partners in crime?" Asked Angelina. I mean, that made sense.

"Hmm, maybe she only cared for herself, and wanted things her way much trouble did Armando get into?" Asked Mr. River deep in thought.

"Oh, he got into a lot. But, with his parents, it was a different story. There was a parent's evening a week later. My parents couldn't make it. His mother was didn't believe what happened at the meeting because she was saying to the assistant principal how much of a good child he was, and how he wouldn't hurt anyone, and so on." I didn't even realize I had an irritated tone of a brief description.

"Oh...If only there was evidence..." Angelina thought out loud.

"Actually there is." I enlightened them.

"I have the text messages on my phone," I added.

"Oh! What is it about?" Mr. River asked.

"One conversation has Armando trying to manipulate me to not get him in any trouble. I also have the video saved." I recalled.

"Oh, then that could make it decisive evidence against them," Angelina replied.

"Tell me. What do you think could be another reason as to why she's killed Armando specifically?" Mr. River asked. Once more, I looked at him confused. didn't he ask that a few minutes ago? What was he not understanding?

"To me, something feels it's missing, or something doesn't add up." He informed suspiciously.

"You know relationships are against the rules, right?" He pondered. My heart instantly sank.  Ugh...was I going on trial for this sole reason?

"I know... But, speaking of relationships, Aaliyana was the type to date every guy in the school." I said disappointed. I can tell Mr. River duly noted that fact. But, right after he had asked for any other reasons, he had stopped writing.

"Well, I believe we have a case, as long as we retrieve those text messages." Mr. River announced with a smile. To me, it was an uncertain smile. I thought it'd be best to tell them the password for my phone. Mr.River wrote it down quickly.

"Well, the trial is tomorrow, so I think we're ready!" Angelina said with a smile. Their smile eased my anxiety. They seemed to know what they were doing. They eventually live through the door behind them. I felt the tightness of the handcuffs pressuring my wrists, even though they were long gone. But I wonder what Mr. Lawyer was thinking. It was like the leads were vague, and it was. what are you thinking, sir? But, as anxious as I am, I am ready to be proved innocent.

I decided to do some thinking. Hmm, the school has cameras, but by the staircase. So, only a small portion beyond the doors can be seen. I guess that makes sense. But, let's focus on Armando. What did he die from? Did she really kill him? I panicked as I sat in the cell of the detention center. Only God, the evening sunlight were my only friends. Although the window was small, it felt like darkness consumed the entire place. With its auburn-brown walls and black floors. It was like your average prison.


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