chapter 29

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Narrator's p.o.v.

Shoto stood on the steps of a large building.

Endeavor Company, is what the huge sign read. Shoto took a deep breath and reached for the door, swinging it open and walking in.

He found himself at the assistance desk and asked to see his father, " id, please." The lady says with her hand held out. He does as told and gives her his id. "As his son I'm sure you know where his office is. If he's not there, however, wait for him, as he might be in a meeting."

Shoto nods, "Thank you." He heads toward the elevator and presses the button for it to come down.

After making this decision of going back to his father, he thought of all the ways he could prove himself worthy. One way could be to bring up Bakugou; or more like Bakugou's family wealth. But that could go south because he'd have to admit his relationship to his father.

The elevator opens and he steps in. Another way could be bringing up his grades and all he's accomplished without his father's help. Enji would be pleased to know his son didn't need him. He pressed the correct floor to the office.

Then number three, he could guilt trip him and show him how much if a mistake it'd be to choose a different heir. It'd have to be him, Todoroki Shoto. He gets to the floor and the doors open. He walks out and gets to the grand doors of his father's office.

After a few knocks he hears a gruff 'Come in' and reaches for the handle. Upon opening the door Enji's head hung low, as he was looking at flies of some sort. Not noticing it was his youngest son who was present.

Shoto closes the door, and because of the lack of any address Enji looks up. Concern and uneasiness sat on his father's face, "Shoto.." he says with a strong voice, never wavering. Despite the concern he felt.

"Father.", Shoto slowly sits down in a chair at the front of Enji's desk. "I have something I want to talk to you about, but could you please listen till the end before giving your opinion." He begins, Enji nods and closes the binder he had open. "I want to come back and work for the company. I've been thinking that it would be best for when you retire... because, if we are being honest, is the safest way to pass it on."

His father scoffs with a raised brow, "What do you have to offer Shoto?"

Shoto shifts in his seat, "Well, there's no doubt that my grades are good, and you have been training me for this most of my life. I'd say that my year away was only me being immature.", he reasons sounding. "I'm also tried of being a burden to Fuyumi. Her and I both know I wouldn't be going through this if I signed, but the reason i didn't was because of your conditions."

"What were my conditions exactly?" His father pressed, but was honestly confused as he did forget.

"What you asked of me was to marry Ms. Yaoyorozu daughter. We were both unhappy, and as much as I do get along with her you know I'm not into women." Shoto reminds him.

He nods and tries to figure out what it means. He knows his son very well, "What is it, Shoto?" He asked the simple question with no hatred in his voice. This surprised Shoto.

"U-um, I'm dating at the moment. A male.", he comes clean to his former caregiver.

"Who is the young man?", as much as Enji doesn't understand why his son would like men, or rather what he sees in them, he could care less as long as they have good status.

"Bakugou. Bakugou Katsuki.", Shoto says in a small voice. His father makes a sound of amusement.

"Ah, a Bakugou. Katsuki, he's a dancer, correct?", Shoto nods. "Fine boy, isn't he? And his family, their a wealthy bunch." He grows a slightly wicked smile. "I'd love to see you have a future with him. Even if you can't have children, there are some intelligent kids for adoption-"

"Okay, thank you. I understand you have no problem with that.", Shoto sputters out, his face flushed red. "We've only been official for a month and a half- wait, why am I telling you this.", he huffs. "Just know that what ever you decide isn't only going to benefit me, with money and what not, but it will also benefit the company and expand documents." Shoto gets up from his chair, ready to leave and go to Katsuki, but his father stops him.

"Shoto.", he says. "May I have your phone number?" It was the most awkward question given they lost basic contact.

Shoto takes in a deep breath, "Sure."


Shoto uses the extra key given to him by a reluctant Katsuki to get into the apartment. It was quiet and everything was still. From the bathroom the sound of rushing water was heard and low playing music in the background.

Shoto puts his shoes away and slips into some slippers. He goes to the bedroom and lays on Katsuki flush bed. "Today wasn't bad. I just didn't want to really be there.", he mumbles into the duvet. "Thus this bed is still the best."

"You say that everytime you get in it.", Katsuki scoffs. Shoto shoots up and looks toward the blond frightened. "Welcome back. I should've never given you a key, you're interrupting my damn relaxing time.", Katsuki wore nothing but a towel as he walked to his closet.

"Sorry. I just needed to see you.", Shoto admits whilst laying back down on the bed.

"Oh, yeah?" Katsuki says and puts some pajamas on. He walks to the bed and sit next to Shoto's head of messy red and white hair, "What the hell happened?"

"Enji knows I'm dating you and the only reason he's okay with it is because of your status.", Shoto shuffles to Katsuki and puts his head in his lap. His hair getting stroked by Katsuki's rough yet delicate hands.

"Bastard.", Katsuki says annoyed. "Did you get approval or whatever the hell you needed?"

"No, not yet.", Shoto sighs. He sits up so he can face Katsuki, "How are you so amazing?" He says in dull bliss. Katsuki really amazes Shoto. In a home where your parents didn't love each other like characters from a romance placed a bad image of relationships in Shoto's mind. This was the first time he's ever seen something so pure and real.

"How the heck did we going from you getting a job to me?", Katsuki rolls his eyes with a tiny bit of blush on his ears.

"You're very supportive but disciplined, and it makes you a very go listener.", Shoto elaborates. "I really enjoy being near you..... you're like my stress reliever, or something." He openly says what's on his mind.

Katsuki takes his hand and shoves Shoto's face away, "Would you quit it? You're such a dumbass sometimes and you always say dumb things." He blushes intensely.

"May I kiss you Katsuki?" Shoto takes Katsuki hand off his face and holds it.

"There you go again, saying dumb shit like that.", Katsuki says and starts to lean in.


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