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Prepare your tissues to cry along with Fuu...


Fuu heard the commotion outside her room before seeing it. Murasaki's muffled voice was calling Gaara's name while Baki's was trying to placate the redhead with words. She was about to go outside to check what was wrong when the door of her room swung open and hit the wall with a loud slam.

The woman had honestly not been this scared before but seeing Gaara's livid state sent cold tendrils down her back, even more so when she realised that it was directed at her. His green eyes were blown with barely controlled malice, teeth gritted till his veins were showing and nostrils flaring with angry huffs.

"Explain this." His voice was deceptively calm as he raised his hand for her to see what was in it. If Fuu were just listening in she would never know that he was this angry. She had never seen Gaara angry before and now that she had, she didn't like it. In his clenched fist was a rumpled magazine that Fuu recognised immediately.

Hidden Waterfall.

"Gaara I..." Fuu stumbled upon words to say. She unwittingly trembled at the smothering aura that leaked off the man's angry form and tears clouded her vision. "I'm sorry– I–"

"This is how you repay me for letting you stay here until your injuries heal?!" Gaara snapped. Fuu screamed as the magazine landed harshly centimeters in front of her. "I trusted you, Fuu, I trusted you! I wasn't aware that you were just being close to me for money."

"No!" Fuu denied that immediately. She might have wanted to be closer to Gaara for the prospects of promotion at work and money but it changed. She changed! He had to know that! "That was before but now I've-"


Fuu's trembling lips snapped shut immediately. She did nothing to wipe her tears at the betrayed looks Murasaki and Baki were giving her. Her body trembled more at the utter look of disdain Gaara held for her now. It wasn't supposed to go this way! It wasn't supposed to go this way!

"G-Gaara I..."

"I hope you enjoyed your stay here." Gaara's back was turned against her. His voice was merely a seething whisper, as if he was barely holding himself from acting out on the emotions he felt. "Your scooter should be in good condition for when you leave."

Even if he didn't say it his gesture suggested it. He didn't want to see her anymore. Gaara left the room with that and Fuu made to go after him but she was stopped by Murasaki.

"He is barely holding himself from doing something he regrets. Seeing you would only make him lose the little bit of self control he has." The cook advised against her decision.

"I'm sorry. I am just so sorry!" Fuu sobbed. "I'm sorry for betraying your trust Murasaki-san, Baki-san. I'm truly sorry!"

"I know you are and I forgive you. Baki does too." Baki was about to say something but a glare from the cook shut him up. "Gaara is not mad at you for sharing things about him to the rest of the world."

"He's livid because you pretended to be a friend." Baki added which caused Fuu's waterworks to increase.

"I didn't pretend! I honestly wanted to be close to him. I really wanted to know everything about him. I really liked him!" She wailed. "But I ruined everything and now he won't forgive me!"

Murasaki hugged Fuu and rubbed comforting circles on her back. There was really no telling what Gaara was feeling so she could not comfort the young woman with her words. That night Fuu cried her heart out.


The next morning had Fuu waking up feeling sour all over.  First she couldn't open her eyes because of the dried tears and crust that held her eyelids together, second she only fell asleep a few hours short of daybreak, third she had a splitting headache and four, Gaara was disgusted with her.

It was not a really nice way to wake up but Fuu's motivation to get out of bed was that she needed to evacuate the Sabaku mansion. She showered and dressed very slowly in the clothes she came to the place with and took her thankfully packed bag. She would miss this place.

"Oh Fuu, come have breakfast!" Murasaki flunked Fuu's attempt at goodbye and sat her at the large dining table instead.

The dark woman looked around curiously for Gaara but he was nowhere to be found. Perhaps he was eating in his room to avoid her?

"Gaara left the mansion early this morning." Baki announced when he noticed her curious glances.

Fuu's chopsticks froze on the path to her mouth. "Oh." She said dumbly. So Gaara left the mansion altogether.

"He left a note for you." The butler continued. Fuu's surprise was understandable. He had also thought that Gaara would want nothing to do with the reporter so it surprised him to see that he left a note for her. "You can pick it from the fridge when you leave."

"Thank you."

After breakfast and picking the note Fuu said her goodbyes to the people that were so hospitable to her and left on her scooter. The small apartment that her boss acquired for her was still thankfully intact so she lodged there until she could book a plane back home.

Fuu was nervous about the letter she received from Gaara. She almost didn't want to open it for fear of what was in it but she opened it all the same to read the message.


I am sorry for lashing out on you last night, I was not in my right senses. I deeply apologize if I have hurt you in any way.

I must admit that I was initially skeptical about you but as time passed I came to enjoy your company. I also came to have special feelings for you.

I am not sure when they started, probably when you told me about your life. I am not even sure how much of your story was true but you succeeded in opening the door to my heart. Only a few have succeeded in that feat.

I would not lie that seeing you hurts me but I would cherish our memories together. Until fate allows us to meet in the future, take care till then.


Her tears had already blotched his name by the time she reached the end of the note. "Gaara...forgive me." She sobbed. Her mind was made up already. She had to apologise properly to him even if it took her years to find him.

Fuu wiped her tears and folded the letter neatly, tucking it in her camera case so that it would always be with her. She had no time to waste. Her search for Gaara started now.


Whew! Another day, another chapter. How are you doing? I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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Original Naruto characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto. None of the pictures in this book belong to me and I do not make money from this fan fiction.

See you next week. Bye.


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